red flags - addy

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i woke up in a dark room,there was no bed,no windows and no doors. no way out. i huffed and sat up slowly. i was sore everywhere. i felt like i was covered in scars. i most likely was but i was okay with it. i rubbed the back of my neck before standing up. i tried to look around the room but there was no light so it really didn't work. i sighed and sat back down curling into a ball. i hugged my knees close to my chest and closed my eyes.

i woke up to a loud ringing noise. i groaned and held my hands over my ears. i screamed loudly but it didn't help. something or someone was thrown into the room. i saw light and a tall black figure throw what i think was a girl into the room. something closed which took the light away. i moved to the corner of the room and hugged my knees again. at this point i had tears in my eyes. i heard groaning and heavy breathing. "this is it" i thought to myself.

"h-hel-help" a female voice said weakly. i rushed to find her but it was hard with no light. i sighed and let my hands roam the room until a felt a shoulder. i gulped and patted the girl down seeing if she had some type of light. to my surprise she had a flashlight with her. i turned it on and saw a girl with red hair and one eye. she was a fighter. i gulped and began to look at her injures. she hissed every time i pressed down on one.

i sighed and laid down next to her. "i wish i could help you better but i don't have anything" i mumbled. the girl didn't say anything. i sighed and turned the flashlight off to get some sleep,though i had slept enough. 

i woke up to another high pitch ringing. i screamed loudly and held my ears. something opened and light showed. now was the time. i picked up the other female and kicked whoever was opening to door,or whatever that thing was. the person flew to the ground letting me know i had the time to run. after taking the guys gun i ran out of the place me and the female were trapped in. 

once i was out and found safety i sat down the girl in a car and climbed into the driver seat. i locked the car and looked for a key. sure enough there was no key. i sighed and leaned back in my seat. i know all i had done was sleep but i fell asleep again. i woke up the next day to panting and groans. i turned around and saw the female panting. i placed a hand on her shoulder to try to calm her but i didn't work. she yanked my hand away glaring at me.

i sighed and looked at her hissed. she raised an eyebrow and looked deeply into my eyes. i blushed and turned away from her only to be grabbed by chin and kissed. of course i kissed back but something gave me red flag warnings i didn't care though,i kept kissing her until she pulled away. "thank you" the girl said. "your welcome" i replied

shitty ending..i know

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