i'm Such a fool-Nat

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I woke up to the sound of yelling and laughing. Great. Nat had friends over. Again. I stood up and shut the door. I laid down and covered my head with a pillow. I sighed and took a deep breath. I stood up and grabbed my robe and put it on. I walked into my bathroom and put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out and went downstairs. I was greeted by the smell of weed and crack on my table. I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs. I throw my robe off and undressed. I grabbed two towels and a outfit and walked into my bathroom. I took my hair out of the bun and got in the shower. After that I dried off and Changed into a crop top and ripped jeans. I put shoes on and grabbed all my stuff I hand in my bedroom and bathroom and packed them up. I went downstairs and grabbed everything that was mine and went back upstairs and packed that stuff too. I called my friends Colby,Corey,and Brennen. They took all my stuff to my moms house. I wrote a note to Nat "Dear Nat,If your reading this then you know I'm gone. This is your fault...I'm sorry,I didn't mean it like that it's just I'm sick of the weed,the drugs,the parties,stuff like that. Don't call me,text me,or look for me. Goodbye Nat~Signed Y/N"

~Nat's POV The next day~

I woke up on the bathroom floor. I stood up and walked into mine and Y/N's  bedroom. All Y/N's stuff was gone. I saw a note on the floor and I picked it up and read it. Tears filled my eyes. My hands began to shake. My heart seemed to break. I sinked down and cried. I couldn't believe that I drove Y/N to leave. I stood up and called Russel. I told him everything and he said that he would take me to rehab. I agreed to go. I had to get clean for Y/N. I had no choice. 















Alright Guys So! I will not be able to post tomorrow or Wednesday. I am so sorry but so stuff came up and I can't update those days! I will say,I love you guys so much! Thanks for the support! Byeeeeeeee😋❤️🧡💖🌹    

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