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~Keith's POV~

I was wide awake. Scared to fall asleep. I looked Beside me and Saw You Asleep Next to me. I smiled and kissed your head. I leaned back and grabbed my notebook. I started to write why I didn't want to sleep.

~In the Notebook~ ~warning=Stabbing~

"I close my eyes. I see you. I smile and you smile back. He comes up beside you. He smirks and stabs. I'm in shock. I fall to my knees. Tears fall. My heart breaks. You whisper "I love you" You couldn't hold on much longer. You let out your last breath and close your eyes and Never open them again. I grab your hand and cry. I wish I could have helped. Before I know it. The guy who stabbed you is walking towards me. I wake up before he can hurt me though" 

Tears fall down my cheeks. I look over at You and grab your hand and hold it tightly.

~Your POV~

I woke up to Keith Holding my hand tightly and crying. I sat up and hugged him. He hugged back and cried more. This made me tear up. "What's wrong baby" I asked. He just shook his head and cried. I looked at the notebook and grabbed it. I read it and figured it was about me. I told Keith that I would get him help and he nodded.

~A few weeks later~

~Keith's POV~

I got help thanks to Y/N. I could sleep again. I didn't have that dream anymore. I was happy. I would go and hang out with the cast again. I was The Old Keith again. I missed This Keith and so did everyone else

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