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(Ps the reader is his child in this)

 I was 17 when the apocalypse happened,my mom died and my dad was away on a business trip so I was all alone. No one to hold me,no one to save me,no one to protect me. I was so lonely. I missed my mom and dad. Mostly my dad because i haven't seen him in years.

~3 years later~

I was running,running fast. I was trying to run from a few Z's. I bumped into a man who was a red-ish shade. He picked me up and ran. He said well running "I'm Murphy" I nuzzled my head into his neck. I might not have known him but I haven't seen a nice human being for over 3 years.

~a few minutes later~

We got back to where he was staying. I saw a lot of people. To many. I jumped off of Murphy and whispered to him "My name is Y/N" and He smiled and nodded "wow Murphy,I haven't seen you smile in a bit" A girl with black hair and chocolate skin said "Well Warren,She's a little cutie" He said and I blushed looking away "I'm Y/N" Warren bent down beside me and said "Well hello miss Y/N" I smiled and a tall guy and a old man walked over ,The tall guy was young and cute! The old man looked kind of high though. The Tall guy bent down and Looked at me "What's Your name sweetheart?" He asked and I blushed madly "Y-Y/N" I said softly. He chuckled "I'm 10k" he said "That's not a name that's a number" I said giggling and he laughed "Hi Y/N,I'm Doc" I waved and smiled.  A girl with short hair walked over and hugged me. I didn't even know her but I hugged back. "YES! SOMEONE HUGGED BACK!" She yelled and I laughed.

~Later that night~

I was standing with 10K and Doc when heard a familiar voice,a voice I haven't heard since I was 17. I turned to face the person. It was my dad. He hugged 10K,Doc,Warren and The rest. My jaw dropped. I screamed "DAD" as tears fall down my cheek. I ran over to him and hugged him. He was shocked and hugged back. He fell on the ground and held me "Oh my baby!" He said crying. I cried and held him.

~a few hours later~

I went back to where my dad was staying so I could sleep and catch up with him. When I walked in I saw what looked like a 3 or 4 year old and a women. The women went up to my dad and kissed him and the 3 or 4 year old ran over to him and yelled "Dad!" I was shocked. He had a new family. It's like he forgot about me and my mom. I hurt like hell. "hey buddy" He said and picked the little boy up "Y/N this is Kaya and JZ" I nodded and waved with a slightly dirty look on my face. Kaya's eyes lit up and she hugged me "You most be his daughter" She said "Sissy" JZ Said and hugged my leg. I was shocked again,They knew me,JZ called me sissy,that meant my dad talked about me. I was still sad because he had probably forgotten about mom. I smiled a weak smile and pulled away from the hugs. I walked over to my dad and asked him if we could talk. He nodded and picked me up and walked out. Reminder i'm 20 almost 21!!! I jumped off him and took a deep breathe. "Mom's dead" I said "I know" He said like it was a normal thing to know "Wh-What? How?" I asked "After I left I felt bad so I started watching over you guys,through phones,laptops,and more" He said "Oh" I said "I wanted to watch you grow up. I wanted to see you have your first boyfriend,To see you go to prom,but now I can't" He looked down as a tear fell. I hugged him and held him. I will never let go of my dad. Never again.








So guys i'm thinking this is what my new book is going to be about but you guys can't know who she ends up dating;))))

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