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*Simons POV* I was doing my usual Check up on my wife (Or husband) Y/n since she (or He) wasn't with me and was with a group of other people. "Hey Babe guess what" I said happily "What baby" She (or he) said "I got a new radio" I said and she (Or he) laughed "Babe not to be rude but Cool...Not" She (Or he) said and I frowned and then the call went flat,I sighed and leaned back in my chair,I just wished she (Or he) was here with me.
~3 Months later*
*Y/n's Pov*
I was on my way to go on a run because we needed supplies. I went into the store and I saw nothing but I keep looking until I bumped into something or someone. I fell then got up and looked what is was or who it was I bumped into,It was my husband Simon,I teared up and hugged him tightly,of course he hugged back and we both cried into each other shoulders "How'd you get here" I said "Warren and Addy helped me" he said and I let out a small sob "I missed you so much" I said and hugged him again  "I have another surprise" Simon said and I nodded so he went on "I'm staying here,I have all my stuff with the others" he said and my eyes watered "OH MY GOD YAY" I yelled and kissed him and hugged him at the same time and he did the same...I heard footsteps behind us and I turned around and saw my group I smiled and took them in for a hug and the all hugged back...Boy was I a lucky girl (Or boy)

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