(Special) The Mask-Pandora

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I was walking with Pandora. We were yelling at each other and were fighting. I yelled one last time before slapping Pandora across the face and knocking her mask off her face. I gasped and she ran away. I sighed and shook my head. I didn't run after her. We hate each other. I ran into my tent and packed all my stuff up. I ran out of the camp and hid. I was scared. Pandora could kill me anytime she wants. She is powerful and strong. I am weak and a pussy. I hid in a tree and waited for weeks and weeks. After 5 weeks I got out of the tree and ran back to the camp. I was to scared to go in so I waited for 10k to leave and come get me. 10k walked out and saw me "Y/N" He yelled and hugged me. I hugged back and held him "Hey babe" He said "Hi bub" News flash me and 10k are dating. Pandora came out of nowhere and started clapping slowly. I let go of 10k and walked up to Pandora "Listen Just because I'm finally happy and I finally get to see my handsome Boyfriend,Doesn't mean you get to be some selfish bitch!" I yell. Pandora was shocked. She just nodded and walked away. I never saw Pandora after that. I was happy. She was to much. To Toxic.

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