left (Anastasia)

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-Y/N'S Pov-
I walked into my house drunk af,My Girlfriend was Waiting for me as I walked In...
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" she screamed "None where" (I know I spelled it wrong,but she/he is drunk sooo) I said walking up the stairs.
I shrugged and Took off all my clothes and changed into pajamas Then I walked over to my bed and laid down,falling asleep right away.
-Anastasia'S Pov-
I couldn't take this anymore,so when I knew Y/N was asleep I walked upstairs and packed all my stuff and left a note Saying "Dear Y/N,I love you so so Much but I'm sick of you coming home drunk every night. I miss the old you. I miss the happy and funny one. So I'm leaving you. I'm going to stay with Nat and his Girlfriend for a bit. Then I'm going to move to new York,where we always wanted to go. Anyways,I love you,Don't Try to contact me please. Love,Anastasia" A few tears fell from my eyes but I knew what I was doing was Better for the both of us. I left the note on the night stand next to Y/N and left.
-The Next Day- -11 in the afternoon- -Y/N'S Pov-
I woke up with a huge hangover. Probably my worst one I've had this whole month. I Sat up and Saw No Anastasia but a note on the night stand. I grabbed it and read it. My eyes filled with tears. My heart dropped. Suddenly the pain from my hangover went away to make room for the new pain I was Feeling. I shot up and looked around. All of Anastasia stuff was gone. Tears started to fall. I fell to the ground hugging my knees. I hated myself. I hated who I had become. I need and wanted to change...for Anastasia...

HEY GUYS!!! LONG TIME NO SEE!! I'm so sorry for not posting its just I've been really really busy,I'm hoping I can start posting on here more. I'm just waiting for season 5 to come out so I can get more ideas😂😂. Anyways should I make a part 2 of this? Or should I just leave it like this and have you guys guess what happened ;))😂 Alright I'm going to go write another chapter! Bye guys!! I love you ❤❤

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