late night - murphy

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it was most likely around afternoon when me and murphy headed out to look for the group. we all got split up a few days ago. i hated being stuck with such a mouthy person. i wasn't a rude person,i was nice,sweet,loving and most times caring but when it came to being left alone with murphy, weren't the nicest. after the first day of yelling and screaming at each other,you two ended up just ignoring each other. you fought off the z's and he stayed quiet. it was now day five of being alone with him. this red man was the devil..he made me so mad and i had no idea why. was it because he's cute? or funny? or when he wants to be nice? no. shut up y/n. i sighed and began to pick up my speed as i walked next to him. he was humming a tune that i did not know. i groaned and shot my gun by his feet,making sure i missed. "shut it red man" i said in a low voice,trying to be scary. he jumped and groaned. "party pooper" he said rolling his eyes. i shook my head and kept walking. after what felt like forever we finally found a car. we high jacked it and began to drive. it had loads of gas,which never happens. i smiled as a i drove. it began to get dark and i wasn't feeling good about driving in the dark so i pulled over and leaned my seat all the way back. murphy did the same closing his eyes. i smiled softly as i closed my eyes. i knew i hated the man but i was glad he was getting sleep. he needed it.

in the middle of the night i was woken up to the sound of growls and banging on the window. i sat up and saw about twenty z's around the car. my eyes filled with fear as i looked around. murphy was up looking out the window. "oh goody,your awake" he said in his sarcastic voice. i began to breath heavily. i slowly turned on the car and rolled down the window just a little bit. i killed the z that was at my window and rolled the window back up. murphy looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "just one? weak" he said rolling his eyes. "shut up!" i yelled. the z's just got more mad. i closed my eyes and let a tear fall. "i don't want to die in here with him" i thought to myself. i slowly rolled down the window again killing as many z's as i could. tears fell from my eyes as i did so. murphy's side of the car was still covered with z's. soon my side was clear so i began to drive as best as i could.

it had been a few days since the z car takeover. i was still in shock of what happened and murphy knew. at the moment me and him were sitting on a couch together. i was half asleep and so was he. i somehow ended up falling asleep. i woke in his arms. the thing is i didn't move,i just laid there in his arms. i knew he was awake since he was rubbing my arm with his thumb. i sighed softly as i felt myself calm down. i sat up to face murphy but i was pulled onto his lap. i blushed and looked at his lips. i smiled softly before leaning in and kissing him. he kissed back and held me close. i smiled against his lips as i kept kissing him. after we heard a knock on the door we pulled away. i grabbed my gun and knife and slowly opened in the door. i was greeted by warren,addy,10k,and doc. i smiled widly and hugged them all tightly.

for the first time in days,i was happy.

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