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Me and DJ were walking around on the beach. I was ahead of him. He looked up from playing with his hands and said "Y/N Wait" I turned around to face him and Stopped walking. He walked up to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and Looked at him. "I have to talk to you about something" He said with a nervous but lustful look. I simply nodded. "Y/N Y/M Y/L I have loved you since the day I meet you. I simply couldn't get you out of my head and I still can't" He chuckled and continued "I have always wanted to be with you,I always want to be with you" He got down on one knee and grabbed a small box out of his pocket. My eyes fill with tears. "And to make sure we're never apart and because your the love of my life and because I want to die with you when we grow old and have already had all our dreams come true...Will you Marry me?" He said/asked. Tears fall out of my eyes "Y-Yes" I said and he stood up and put the ring on my ring finger and hugged me. "I love you" He said "I love you more" I said "Impossible" He simply mumbled into my ear and held me. I could stay like this forever if I wanted to

Hey guys! This story will be posted Sunday I believe but Idfk at this point but I will be doing a update on me and a second face reveal this up coming Monday💝 anyways 💝 I love you 💝 byeee💝💝

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