Again-Warren (Short)

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I stood outside of my camp. I was smoking. I wasn't supposed to be smoking but I was having a horrible day and needed a smoke. I heard footsteps behind me and grabbed my gun and turned around. I saw it was Warren. "O-oh" I said "Y/N your smoking?! Again?! WH-" She began to yell so I cut her off by kissing her since we were dating. She kissed back at first but pulled away shortly after "N-no" She said "Warren,Please,Smoking is the least of my problems right now" I said. She just shaked head and walked away. I dropped my cigarette and ran after her. "Warren please,One more chance?" I asked "No Y/n,No more" She said and stormed into the camp. My heart dropped and I didn't know what to say or do. I fucked up. I always fuck up. I did it. Again. 

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