too late - DJ

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It was too late. He had moved on. He was with her now. And here I am, laying in my back yard crying over him. It hurt seeing him so happy but of course I had to pretend that I was happy for him, after all I was the one who left him. I didn't want to but..he left me no choice.

-flash back-

"Really?! This is ridiculous! Your parents shouldn't have a say in what you do! Your a grown woman!" He yelled. "They are my parents, and they were just suggesting! We have been living in this moldy house for years! We have had plenty of money to leave and yet you don't want to!" I yelled back. My mom had given me money to buy my first house and my dad gave me some suggestions. I told DJ and he freaked out. "What if I like it here!" He yelled. "Then suit yourself! I'm done!" I yelled walking upstairs to pack my things.

-end of flash back-

That was five months ago, I was now in my dream house debating if I should text him or not. I choose not to though because, he was finally happy, and he had every right to be. I was being selfish. Its my lose, not his.

Sorry it's short!!! More stories coming soon:)))!!

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