i think you can tell,I'm not doing to well-Addy

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-Addy's POV-

I was looking at the ground. Shocked. Tears running down my face. Blood on my shirt and hands. My best friend just died. In my arms. I sighed and carried her back to our group. "L-let's go" I said. The Group look very sad but Me and 10k were the most sad. Y/N was 10k's sister. He had lost everything but yet...So have I. I handed Y/N to Warren and hugged Tommy. He hugged back and cried softly. This made me break down. It broke my heart knowing he had no one. It broke my heart knowing that Y/N was gone.

~A few months later~

I was eating canned beans with Warren,Doc and 10k well Mr. Murphy was yelling about how cold it was. I rolled my eyes and went back to my thoughts. I was thinking about Y/N's birthday coming up. I smiled softly remembering what we wanted to do for Y/N birthday. I teared up and sighed. "hmmm?" Tommy asked "Nothing kid" I said smiling and he nodded. I took a deep breath and leaned back. "GuYs hUrRy! i'M cOlD!" Murphy groaned "oh my hod" I laughed and stood up "I'm going to take cry baby here back to the car" I said grabbing Murphy and dragging him to the car. I opened the car and turned it on. I turned the heat on and leaned back. A few moments later I heard Murphy Snore. I mumbled under my breath "Happy early birthday Y/N" I smiled and closes my eyes falling asleep. Dreaming that Y/N was here.

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