Loneliness part 4 (Finale)

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Life was going good. Tommy and I were very happy. I was on a run with Doc when I got the bad news. "Y/N I need to talk to you about something" Doc said softly "Okay go on" I said with a smile. "You know Tommy's Ex...Red?" He asked and I nodded "Well She's back and Her and Tommy were saw kissing last night then they went back to her tent and well yeah..." Doc said Softly. My heart broken into a million pieces when I heard him say those words. I started tearing up. "this isn't the  first time something like this has happened to me and Tommy. Pre Z...He cheated on me with my best friend and then I kicked him out..." I said as I remembered everything he had done to hurt me. I grabbed my knife from the ground and ran to the camp. I made sure to be quiet though. I walked up to 10k's tent and heard a lot of movement in there. I ripped open the tent and my eyes were blinded by the sight of 10k and Red fucking each other. I have never wanted to kill someone more in my life. I put my hand into a fist and punched Red as hard as I could. Then I punched Tommy as hard as I could. They both took a second before they saw it was me. I was in tears. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I screamed "Y-Y-Y/N I didn't mean to I-" Tommy started "BULLSHIT! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU! I WISH YOU NEVER FOUND ME ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD! I WISH I WAS DEAD!" I screamed and ran out. I ran to my tent and packed all my stuff up. I ran out of our little camp sight and to the nearest car. I got in and locked all the doors. I put my stuff in the back and laid back. I closed my eyes yet tears still fell. I ended up falling asleep after an awhile.

~a few months later~

I was walking around a small town with my new friend George and her group. We were looking for some food and people to take in. I was kind of scared to come across some bad people but George was smart and I trusted her. I walked in the back and kept an eye out. I saw a few people coming my way. I loaded my gun and stopped. "G! We got 4 people coming our way" I yelled. They all stopped and turned my way. I waited until they got close enough to where I could see their face's. It was...Warren,Doc,Murphy and Tommy. I dropped my gun. My eyes filled with Angry when I saw Tommy. George and Warren were hugging but I didn't care. I walked up to Dante and stood by his side. We gave each other a look and nodded. We started walking over to them and patted them down. I patted Doc and Murphy down while Dante patted Tommy and Warren down. They had guns and knife but that was fine. I hugged Doc,Murphy then Warren. I asked Warren about Addy and I got a sad look. I sighed. I don't cry a lot anymore,I had been through enough pain to not cry anymore. I walked over to George and tilted my head. She nodded and I smiled "Okay Guys listen up-" I started but was cut off by a girl in my group "WHY IS THAT MAN RED?!" She yelled. I looked at Murphy and groaned "You just going through the rainbow now?" I asked and smirked "You know it doll face" He said with a smirk. I laughed and said "Guys he's not gonna hurt you...Unless you get on his bad side" I said smirking at the group. Their faces went pale as the laughed. I laughed "I'm kidding" I said then I looked at Murphy and winked. He nodded with a smirk.

~A few hours later~

We were all drinking and eating having a good time. It was so great. Dante,Doc,Murphy,Warren and George were all catching up well I went outside to smoke. I saw Red walking towards me and groaned. She ended up finding me a long time ago and never left. I took one last puff and then got up. She was now right in front of me. "What" I hissed "Uh Addy's at the gate" She said softly "ADDY?!" I yelled and she nodded. I ran to the front gate and watched her get all her shots and her stuff checked. I waited until she was done then Hugged her tightly. She hugged back and we just held each other for what felt like hours but it was only a few minutes. After I got her in and everyone hugged her. I left again. I walked into my little house and laid down. I kicked off my shoes then went into a room and changed. I heard someone knock so I went and opened the door. It was Tommy. I went to slam it in his face but he pushed the door open. I sighed and moved and let him in. I sat down and looked at him. He sat down and sighed "Hey" He said softly "Hi" I said not wanting to really talk. I put my head in my hands as I knew he was getting ready to talk a lot. "Y/N Listen...I am so so sorry for what I did but it wasn't my fault. I would never do that to you after what happened pre z...I love you so so much and I could never find someone better than you...Red drugged me and then you know..." He said with tears running down his face "I was so drugged up that I thought Red was you...So I slept with her. Which is what she wanted...I didn't want to though. It has always been you who I have loved. I still do love you...And I always will" He said and got up. He kissed my head and walked out. My heart stopped. I was so hurt. I was so stupid. I was going to have to deal with the loneliness all over again.













Guys this is crazy! This is 1,095 words. The Loneliness story was so fun to write but I think it should come to an end! If you guys want more let me know and I will write more of this. I love you guys!! 

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