dead Roses-Murphy

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I was on the ground...crying,He's gone...Murphy was gone and even though it's been 5 months...It still hurts...I let out a sob. I stood up and grabbed a dead rose. I threw it on the ground and screamed...I walked outside. I looked around wondering if I should try to find Warren,Or Doc,maybe even 10k? Nah,The kid would smile if I told him Murphy died. It sucked,being alone. I missed him so much. It hurts so fucking much. I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath. I opened my eyes and stabbed the Z coming at me. I walked around for what seemed like hours after that. I finally came across this a old warn out barn. I walked in to find Warren,10k,Doc,and Addy. My gun dropped. I ran over to Warren and hugged her. I sobbed into her shoulder. "H...He's Dead. Murphy is dead" I sobbed out. Warren let me go. "He's what?" She asked. I repeated and her eyes felt with tears. Her and Murphy were as close as me and Addy were. She walked out of the barn and I went over to Addy. I went to hug her but 10k stopped me. I looked up at him and raised a eyebrow. Tears still falling. "I-I know what it's like losing someone you love" He said. I hugged him. He hugged right back. I pulled away and after I hugged everyone and caught up with everyone I took them back to my house and let them wash up. The Next day I took them to Murphy's Grave. They picked Dead Roses and put them on the spot where I had Buried him. He may be gone but I will always remember him. 

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