my lame-o?(DJ part 1)

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*Y/n POV* (THIS IS BEFORE Z NATION)I was Walking to my Boyfriends Job His name is Dj, When I got to his work he looked like a Lame-o I laughed and went up to the cash register and said "I would Like You" He laughed and said "That will be ten thousand (HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE)  Dollars" "Never mind then" I said he laughed again then smirk "What" I asked "Your outfit" he said. I blushed "Thanks baby" I said he nodded and then walked away, I was so confused so I sat at a table and played on my phone "Excuses me Miss but can I sit here" I heard a male voice so I looked up and saw DJ, I smiled and nodded.  We were sitting next to each other and holding hands "Baby I missed you so much" I said "I missed you too babe" He said then he kissed me, I kissed back "Um let's go to outside we need to talk" He said, I nodded nervously.  When we got outside He let go of my hand "Listen Y/n, I love you and all but I just got a new job in Spokane Washington, And I can't have a long distance relationship, So I'm sorry I'm breaking up with you" He said with tears in his eyes "I... I... I" I didn't finish I ran off and cried my eyes out "I HATE YOU DJ" I yelled and kept running with my heart tore in two.

*If you want a part 2 plz comment also would you like me to do Preferences in this book if so Comment 10k is Grrrreat, Love you guys💝💓💞

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