camp z - warren

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y/n pov

I woke up in the back of a truck. i looked over and saw 10k and addy who both happened to be asleep. warren was driving and doc and murphy were in another car behind us. i sighed softly and somehow crawled into the passenger seat of the truck through the window. doc honked and laughed as i did so. once i was seated i pulled my hair into a high bun and rolled up the window. "how was the nap" warren asked. "could have been better" i said leaning back. warren didn't say anything back,she just kept driving.

after awhile warren had woken me up. i had fallen asleep. i looked forward and saw a very big camp. i smiled and got out of the truck. i went to the back to wake up 10k and addy but they were already awake. i told them to grab their stuff. i grabbed my guns and knife along with my backpack. doc and murphy were already parked and walking up to us. i smiled and throw and flower at murphy. he rolled his eyes and smiled slightly. lately i had been trying to keep everyone happy but i couldn't make everyone happy of course..i tired though.

after walking around the outside of the camp for about an hour we waked insides the actual camp. it looked run down,forgotten,scary,like no one had been here for years. me and warren looked at either other and nodded. "everyone split up and look around..find food,find a bed,find somewhere to camp out for the night" warren said.

not even 30 minutes into searching i was attacked my a z. of course i killed it but it was hard,i was alone so if i wouldn't have been looking,i would have died. i sighed and wiped the blood off my knife and kept looking around. i heard yelling and gunshots. i grabbed my bag and ran as fast as i could to were i heard the yells and gunshots. when i arrived where the rest of the group was i saw a bunch of z's. not 10,20,30 or 40 but most likely 100 or 200. i tried to start helping but there was no use. i grabbed the group and ran out of the camp. once we were all out safe we got in our cars and drove off right away. 

once we found a old house we pulled over and got out. we walked into the house and searched it. it was clear. me and warren took watch. it was a quiet night,not a lot of z's. it was windy and kind of cold. i moved closer to warren since i was cold. she smiled and let me lay my head on her. i smiled and closed my eyes. 

i woke up the next morning to the smell of food. i looked around and saw i was now in a bedroom tucked in. i smiled and stood up walking out of the room. i was greeted by 10k in the living room. we talked for a bit then i went to help with whatever food they were making. warren was sitting in the living room with addy talking about our next stop. i sighed and sat the table for everyone to eat. once the plates were made i called everyone to the table. we all sat down and began to eat. it was nice eating together at a table,we didn't get to very much but when we did it was nice. 

after we ate me and warren searched the rooms one more time before heading out. i was driving this time,though no one trusted me..i wonder why. i got into the drivers seat and started the car. we were low on gas. "shit" i mumbled. i shook it off and began to drive. after about an hour of driving we ran out of gas. me,warren,addy and 10k all got out of the car and walked up to doc's. "how much gas you got doc?" i asked leaning against his door. "not enough" he said with a small sigh. i nodded and looked at warren. "guess we'll just have to walk" warren said walking over to me.

me and warren walked ahead of the group to talk. me and warren were dating and had been since pre-z. i don't know what i'd do without her. we walked for a good two hours before we saw another small house. we sighed and ran inside of the house. we killed a few z's before we locked the front and back door and we all laid down. me and warren were in a bedroom together and addy and doc had the other two bedrooms. murphy and 10k must have been sleeping in the living room or something. 

these past two days have been fun i suppose. camp z was not fun though. never will i ever go back to another camp.

a/n:sorry it's so long hehe 

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