loving Someone-Warren

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I woke up to the sound of gun fire,I sighed and stood up. I put on a tank top and black leggings. I put boot on and put my hair in a ponytail. I walked out of my room and grabbed my gun and shot the last two Z's. Warren Looked up from Killing 5 other Z's. "What? I saved you life" I said and walked in the house and walked into the bathroom. Warren Followed and looked pissed. I looked up. "You 'Saved' My life? Really,It was One Z! I could have kid it with my eyes closed!" She Yelled "BUT YOU DIDN'T! I HELPED YOU! I CAN'T LOSE YOU! SO YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME OR SOMETHING!" I screamed. Warren Backed up and walked out. I sighed and whispered "You should be loving someone" I washed the blood off my hands from my gun,it was covered in blood. I washed my face and dried it off. I walked out and walked into my room. I laid down and sighed. I missed 10k,Addy,Doc and Even Murphy. I stood up and grabbed my gun. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a small towel and wetted. I wiped the blood off my gun and washed my hands. I went to walk out when Warren stopped me. "What?" I said "I'm...I'm sorry,I'm sorry I was rude today. I just" She said "I miss everyone,and I can't stop thinking about what would happen if I-" she cut herself off by kissing me. I kissed back and smiled. I pulled away. "I am Loving someone" She said and walked out.









OK guys! SO this is the last Imagine that will have a "The 1975" Song title in it hahahaha anyways...byeeeeeeee

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