i lost my head over you-Warren

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-recap- Me and Warren had just broke up which was hard because I have to see her everyday. It's not easy Breaking up with someone and having to see them everyday. I stayed away from here. I walked with Doc and Murphy. The reason we broke up is because Warren went missing for a bit and hooked up with another a random guy. -present day- I was walking with Doc and Murphy. The group was looking for food. Warren was looking at me the whole time. I wasn't looking at her. I refused. It was to hard. Me and Doc and Murphy and the rest of the group split up. I was on my own though. I was looking for food. To busy to look around me to see the one Z coming at me. I was bent over looking through a bucket when the Z bit my neck. I screamed and kicked it back. I stabbed it in the the head and fell to the floor. The rest of the group most have heard my scream because they came running. Warren sat beside me. Tears filled both our eyes. I smiled weakly "H-Hey guys" I said weakly. Warren Started crying along with everyone else. I closed my eyes and said "I'm dying,I don't want to be a talker. I want to be at peace. I love you all so so much" tears fell. Warren said "I'll mercy you" "War-" George was going to say something but Warren cut her off "I can do it" She sniffled and choked on tears. I was slipping away. I held Tommy's hand and closed my eyes one last time before dying.

~Warren's POV~

  She had slipped away. She was gone. I pulled out my knife and gave her mercy. I cried until it hurt after. I loved her so much,yet I let her go.

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