My Valkyrie - Avengers & Reader

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Words: 3499
Pairing: Avengers & (f)Reader
Featuring: Fury, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Loki, Maria Hill
Warnings: Fighting, getting blown up, small angst, minor character death (but that was in the movie so)
Summary: You are from Asgard, and many years ago were a Valkyrie warrior. Now, you live in Midgard and work with SHIELD. When someone familiar comes to harm your world, you don't take it lightly. With what you know of Asgard and its princes, will you be able to stop things before they get worse?
Author's Note: Takes place during Avengers 1, lots of time skips but it works with the movie. I miss this avengers </3



"Agent Barton, report," Came Fury's voice over the comms. Clint watched from the highest spot in the room while you were beneath him, waiting for direction. SHIELD knew they were taking risks with harnessing energy from space but believed they were smart enough to work on it. Well, if the evacuation of SHIELD says anything...

Clint began to tell Fury about anything he had seen, which was not much. Dr. Selvig, amongst others, was tracking the spikes when Clint brought up that someone on the other side could be messing with the tesseract, and before you could interject, a bright light from the tesseract filled the room. And someone came through that door.

You, Fury, and Clint stared as the man stood up and looked at the three of you. You recognized him, but you weren't sure from where. "Sir, please put down the spear!" Fury commanded, but instead of listening, he shot it at the three of you. Clint pushed Fury over while you jumped to the side to dodge, and other agents shot at the man.

You saw Clint face the man at the other side of the room, and while Clint tried to stop him, he grabbed Clint's arm. "You have heart," The man admired, then put the edge of the spear on Clint's chest.

"Clint!" You shouted as you ran over to him, but his eyes went black and then foggy. He put his gun back into its holster, and you knew you were too late. The man turned to other agents and did the same as he did to Clint. You noticed Fury moving slowly to remove the tesseract and get it to safety, when the man spoke up again.

"Please don't," He said, "I still need that."

"This doesn't have to get any messier," Fury replied, not moving and not looking at the man.

"Of course, it does. I've come too far for anything else," He said. "I am Loki of Asgard," He announced. "And I am burdened of glorious purpose."

You gasped, realizing where you knew him from, but not loud enough to catch his attention. Fury still didn't move, but his gaze shifted to you as he recognized the Asgard name, and, knowing your backstory, figured out that you knew him.

"Loki! Brother of Thor," Selvig said, which was bound to annoy Loki to be resolved to only Thor's brother.

Fury and Loki went back and forth, and Loki also controlled Selvig. Loki turned to look at you, your mouth still ajar, but before he could test your heart, Clint interrupted to tell Loki the place was about to blow.

"Fury!" You shouted and ran up to him after Clint shot him, and their group walked out.

Fury waved you away, and you ran out after them, and Fury was able to get on the radio. "Hill, do you copy?" He said as you were approaching where she was meant to be. "Barton has turned!" He said, and you also heard gunshots. Maria rolled to cover, you ran up to her, and Clint and Loki took off.

You and Maria got into the closest car, and she began driving. Quickly, the two of you ended up in front of Clint, and you turned around to shoot at their car. The portal exploded, and SHIELD began to sink into itself. Rock was falling around the car, and Clint managed to get around you. More and more of the ground fell on top of you, and finally, you were stopped when a giant piece of the Earth hit the hood of the car and above your heads.

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