Endlessly - Bucky Barnes x (f)Reader

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Words: 3270
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (f)Reader
Featuring: Sam Wilson, Dr. Raynor, J Jonah Jameson
Summary: Loosely based on Endlessly by The Cab, it's been six months since the Blip and you and your boyfriend, Bucky, are still adjusting to life. Both ex-Avengers, Bucky's working on his pardon and recovery while you're back at work under J. Jonah Jameson writing all kinds of articles. Bucky decides he needs to show his love to you more and chooses an unconventional way.
Warnings: Bucky's nightmare/memories mentioned (not graphic), a lil angst
Author's Note: This is my post-Blip world. Even though you are an ex-Avenger I did not specify powers (or non-powers), so you can choose! This is for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo Challenge (again!) and this one checks off the established relationship square!

The plastic rings I mention are like the ones in the picture on this chapter and I just have to make it clear that's what I'm imagining oop



The loud music of your alarm shot your eyes open, followed by you groaning loudly. Rolling over, you shut off the alarm on your phone and took a deep breath, not wanting to get up but knowing that you needed to be responsible. You reached over to wake your boyfriend but were met with an empty bed. Not needing to wonder, you got out of bed and walked into the living room, still in your pajamas.

Bucky was still asleep on the floor with the pillow off the chair and two of the extra blankets. The TV was quietly playing the morning news as you stood in the doorway with your arms crossed. "Buck," You called just loud enough to wake him up.

"I'm up," He responded as soon as he heard you as you pulled him out of his sleep. He didn't move besides bringing his right hand to his face to rub his eyes.

You moved to sit on the chair next to him, but he was still facing away from you. "I thought you said your nightmares were getting better."

"They are," He said, and you were unsure if this was a lie or not.

"Then why are you out here and not in bed?" You asked, knowing he was either going to give you a bullshit answer or tell you that he lied to you about the nightmares.

Bucky sat up but didn't look at you. "Habit, I guess," He shrugged.

You were going to fight it, but you let him get away with it. He had a meeting with his therapist today, so he'd get to talk about it then, and every once in a while, you throw him a bone of letting him lie. He knows you know he's lying, but neither of you mentioned it.

"Alright, then," You said and stood up to head back to your room to get dressed. "I've got a long day at work today, just reminding you," You yelled to him.

Bucky walked into the room a few seconds behind you. "I know, I'll be fine. Have to see Dr. Raynor today, and then I'll probably just come back here after taking care of some things," He told you as he sat on the bed while you got ready in the adjoining bathroom.

"Sounds like a good day. And will you please text Sam back? I talked to him earlier this week, and he was asking how you're doing," You reminded Bucky.

Bucky took a long sigh. "We'll see."

"You haven't talked to him since Steve left the shield. Reconnect with him; maybe it'll make things feel normal again," You advised. "Now that Steve's gone, it's you and me and Sam. If the world needs saving again, who's going to be the ones to save it? Spider-Man? Clint? No, it'll be us," You rambled, and Bucky was only half-listening. It had been six months since everyone came back, including Bucky and you, and he was still adjusting to losing his best friend and moving on with you by his side.

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