A Dot Ham - Avengers & Reader

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Words: 2340
Pairing: Avengers & Reader
Featuring: Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Wanda. Some Hamilton cast: Lin, Anthony, Jasmine, Philippa, Renee
Warnings: Swearing, very dialogue heavy, slight cringe
Summary: You love the Broadway show Hamilton, and once Tony decides to finally listen to it, he surprises you. 
Author's Note: This is entirely self indulgent. I am obsessed with the avengers and with hamilton. Some of the OBC Hamilcast is in this but don't look too closely at if their characterization is correct.



"Hey, Tony, can I borrow an A-dot-Ham?" You walked into Tony's office with a big smile.

"What did you just-"

"It's from Hamilton," You cut him off to spare from the weird looks, "Just give me ten dollars."

"Oh," Tony nodded, "The musical you like so much. Why haven't you gone to see it yet?" Tony cocked an eyebrow.

You sighed with a roll of your eyes. "Have you seen how expensive those tickets are? I also cannot win the Hamilton lottery for the life of me! Now, can you please just give me the damn money?" You laughed at the end.

Tony pulled out the ten-dollar bill and handed t to you. "Thank you!!" You squealed.

"Why did you need it exactly?"

You turned around quickly. "Uh, it's Wednesday. There's a Ham4Ham show today. Wanda and I were going to go, and we need a ten, so we could get it signed-"

"On second thought, I don't really care." Tony cut you off with a small smile. You nodded and walked out, and as soon as you were gone, he pulled up the beloved album on his phone. "Might as well give it a listen."


Tony raced out of his office to find Steve. He had to be careful not to run into you, but he was sure you were still at the Richard Rogers Theatre with Wanda and Natasha. (Natasha wasn't sure she wanted to go, but Clint was annoying her, so she tagged along.)

"Tony, will you calm down?" Steve laughed from behind him, "What is going on?

"Okay, strange question for you. What do you know about Alexander Hamilton?" Tony asked.

Steve cocked an eyebrow with his arms crossed. "I'm Captain America."

"Right." Tony nodded.

"Why? Isn't there some show based on him that (Y/N) is in love with?" Steve asked, and Tony gave an evil smile. "Tony, what did you do?"

"Well, first I listened to most of the album," Tony started, and Steve laughed.

"Did they guilt you into it?" Steve teased.

Tony ignored his comment and went on, "And since I am so awesome, I got the whole team the best tickets I could get us." Tony smiled.

"You did what?" You ran into the kitchen where the two were talking.

Steve burst out laughing. You had the biggest smile on your face, and you made Tony jump to the ceiling when you yelled- because you managed to scare him.

"Yes," Tony whispered and turned around to greet you. "We go in a few weeks."

"Tony, they were sold out," You sat there with big eyes, and your jaw dropped.

Tony rolled his head to cock it on his left side; his arms were crossed sassily, and he smirked. "I'm Tony Stark."

You nodded calmly, but on the inside, you were still screaming. "Wanda!" You yelled and ran out of the room to tell her the good news.

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