Slower (2/2) - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1467

Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader

Featuring: Wanda Maximoff

Warnings: swearing, fighting, talk of guns, getting shot, hospitals

Summary: Pietro is relentless, and that backfires at him (and you) on the field.

Author's Note: yayyy this was so fun! I loved part one and this was just so much fun to follow it up with. 



Pietro's mind could not wrap around the fact that you weren't bothered by him. He was used to people falling for him instantly as he flirts his way through life. He could have anyone he wanted; it wasn't hard for him to get someone, but of course, he chose the one person that was unaffected by his personality.

However, it did get to his head. Being so obsessed with you and everything about you distracted him from what he really needed to be focusing on. You and Pietro worked well together as if something were to happen that needed to be stopped quickly, you could slow time, and Pietro would run to whoever needed it. Sure, you could have done it, but moving while you're stalling time uses a lot of energy you don't normally have. So, it was nice to have the speedster on your side.

Ever since you joined the Avengers, it was hard for anyone to ever win. That was, until this fight where Pietro didn't listen to you and flirted the whole time. Frankly, it was driving you crazy that he wouldn't listen. Typically, you would get a good shot at the villain and slow the time for Pietro to knock out, but he wasn't listening.

"Pietro! Listen to me!" You shouted through the comms as you fought off enemies. Sure, you could have stopped everything and just pushed them all over, but it doesn't work like that. You may be powerful, but you also know how much energy slowing and stopping time takes. It could use all of your energy up to get rid of the more minor threats, and it wasn't worth risking your shot at their leader just to get rid of a few pesky rats.

"What?" Pietro called, "Your voice is just too nice to listen to that I didn't hear what you said, I was distracted."

"Get yourself together, right now," You told him, your tone showing how angry you are, "I'm serious."

"You're too cute," Pietro whispered, standing next to you before speeding around to take out all the 'easy guys.'

You rolled your eyes and turned to see if you still had a shot at the enemy. "Pietro, come on!" You shouted, waiting for him to come over to you. But, alas, Pietro was too slow and was too distracted to see what happened at lightning speed. You were shot.

Pietro knocked out the two people he was fighting and ran over to you. He yelled your name a few times, but you could barely respond. He took out the sniper that was hiding only a few feet away and ran back to you, quickly picking you up. "(Y/N)'s hit!" Pietro yelled, "Going to the nearest hospital!" He shouted again and began running. He thought he covered your shoulder, where you were shot, with a cloth to hopefully help stop the bleeding. But when he arrived at the hospital, he realized he had completely missed the wound.

You were barely conscious anymore and only saw blurriness as there was yelling going on. "What happened?" You barely heard, everything sounded distant, and it was hard to understand. You couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman talking, either.

"We were fighting, and they got shot, so I ran them here, and I thought I covered the wound but, I guess it just got worse!" You recognized the freaked-out voice as Pietro; he kept looking down at you to see if you were all right. Your blinks were getting longer, and it was hard for you to keep looking around. But you were afraid that if you let yourself close your eyes for more than a few seconds, you would go unconscious.

But no matter how hard you fought to stay awake, you couldn't do it. And as soon as you were put on a stretcher, your eyes shut all the way.


While the Avengers were taking down the enemy, Pietro was wearing out the floor and his shoes with how much pacing he was doing. He knew you lost a lot of blood, and it would take a long time for you to recover. He just hoped it wasn't any worse than he thought.

All throughout the time you were in surgery, Pietro started thinking about all the things you had said to him while on the field. This also reminded him of the things you told him during training and practice and how he was so distracted with flirting. If he hadn't have been flirting so much, he could have helped you take down the enemy's leader, and you wouldn't be in the hospital.

That was when Pietro decided that it was time for him to cool it down and stop with all the flirting. He came to terms that you didn't like all the flirting and he would never have a chance with you if he were being so reckless on the field with all the unnecessary flirting. He made himself believe that if you two would get together, then so be it. And if it wouldn't happen, then as hard as it would be for him to accept, that's what it would be.

Deep down, he knew it would be really hard for him to do what he was telling himself. Maybe it would last for a week or two, but he would probably go back to his old ways. He would just have to remember this moment to help him go forward; it was in your best interest.

Half of the team arrived at the hospital to wait for you to make sure you would be okay, while the other half had to get back to the facility to finish off the mission. It was also probably best not to have the Avengers all in the same place at once, especially a place so vulnerable.

You woke up hours later when the only ones there were Pietro and Wanda. The others had seen you when you got out of surgery, but the room was rather cramped, so they all agreed it would be best to let you have your space for a speedy recovery.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" Pietro jumped up when he saw you begin to move.

"What, no comment about how beautiful I look despite all the shit around me?" You tried to laugh, but it felt weird as you had not drunk much all day.

"Of course, you look good," Pietro muttered, "But I have decided to take things slower if I ever want to... never mind," He stopped himself. "You need to recover. I'm glad you're okay."

Pietro left the room, and once he did, you got a strange look from Wanda. "What was that about? No flirting?" She asked, confused where this change in Pietro came from.

"No idea, maybe he's finally coming around."


Pietro stopped flirting, and you were enjoying the freedom more than one person should. You two were able to focus on work more easily, and he was much more enjoyable to be around when he wasn't always trying to get with you.

However, Pietro did pick up on how much you liked the non-flirty side of him and decided it was time to mess with you again. He really, really liked you, and nothing was working, so flirting seemed to be his only choice.

You noticed it right away. He would often tune out what you were saying when you were trying to teach him, and it was made obvious when he messed up many times. Then he would apologize by saying, "Sorry, beautiful," and compliment how you just distracted him to easily.

It was all the same stuff you had heard before from him. Honestly, it got repetitive and boring, and sadly, that only left you with one option.

"Pietro," You cut him off in the middle of another attempt to flirt, "Want to go on a date?"

"Are you serious?" His jaw dropped.

"If I say that I'm serious, will you stop with all the flirting?" You asked, a look of hope in your eyes.

Pietro took a deep breath. ""

You groaned, "It was worth a shot," You muttered under your breath. "If you weren't so dependent on your flirting, we probably would have gotten together months ago," You told him before starting to pack up your stuff. "But you were just too oblivious to notice."

You were the only person who could do it. You were the one person that could make Pietro Maximoff's jaw drop, yet he had nothing to say. "Saturday, eight o'clock, let's go to dinner," You told him, and this time you walked out of the room.

"How do they do it?" Pietro muttered as he sat in awe of you.

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