This Wouldn't Be An Issue... - Batfam & Reader

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Words: 1272
Pairing: Batfam & Reader
Featuring: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Joker
Warnings: Mentions death (not graphic, but it is discussed), mentions revival, probably some ooc bruce
Summary: After finding out that Joker is dead, you are a bit relieved. Upon finding out Joker is alive again, you're a bit angrier at a certain someone dressed as a bat.
Author's Note: This is based on the comic when Nightwing killed Joker! It was after he thought Joker killed Tim, and Bruce ends up bringing Joker back to life. I have not read the whole comic, but I did read a post rundown about it. This is a crackfic because man I would love to just make fun of Bruce and piss him off. Also, I don't go into background about the reader, so you can have your own idea of how you joined the team/batfam!

This is another fic for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo challenge! This is for the crack square (like i said above lol)



It was a little tense between Gotham's heroes. There has been a lot of emotions lately with everyone; worry, grief, scared, relief, and a bit of anger.

After all the pain Joker has put everyone through over the past few years, it was safe to say everyone was tired of it and didn't know how to keep him at bay. When the team heard that Joker killed another Robin, no one knew how to act.

You found out from Bruce and Tim (who wasn't actually dead) that Dick killed Joker. Hearing that Joker killed Tim sent Dick over the edge, and his anger got the best of him. Though it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved, you were a bit relieved that Joker's shenanigans were finally over.

Not having to deal with Joker hurting anyone else felt like a weight was lifted. Dick felt guilty, but you tried to take his mind off everything, and you told him that this would save more people in the long run. You were also thrilled that Tim was still alive; you wouldn't know how to function without him. And without Joker around, maybe the job would be a little easier on everyone.

But those thoughts were pushed out of your head almost as quickly as they came into it. While sitting in the Cave, talking to Tim and Dick, Batman called in to tell you three that everything is okay. He didn't want Dick to live with the guilt and Joker's death on his conscience, and Joker is alive.

Initially, you blew up at him, but it wasn't like anyone could re-kill the Joker again. Plus, he was already being treated back in Arkham before Bruce told you guys.

Now, it's been a few weeks of Joker locked in Arkham, Dick was back in Blüdhaven and working with Barbara, and you and Tim were still patrolling with Batman. Even if you are still mad at him, you have to let it go to get your work done.

Though there was still some tension between you and Bruce, Tim helped mediate the conversations between you two so the Team could get everything done that needed to be done. Patrol, reports, and even communicating, Tim was there to help. He knew you were upset with Bruce, but he also knew that Bruce wouldn't understand why and just wanted everything to be back to normal.

Tonight, Tim was stuck doing schoolwork elsewhere, so it was just you, Bruce, and Alfred in the cave. You were going to go out to patrol with him, but Bruce told you he could handle it by himself tonight, and you could stay back and watch the computer and get your homework done. Part of you still wanted to go out, but you weren't sure if it was smart to do so without Tim there to keep you on track.

You worked on some random homework while Bruce was typing away on the Bat Computer. You weren't entirely sure what he was working on, but right now, it didn't involve you, so you didn't ask. He'd be leaving soon, so the weird vibes in the Cave would be gone. Not soon enough, but you were able to focus on your work and ignore the weirdness.

As Bruce was typing, an alarm went off that called Bruce's attention away from whatever he was doing. You looked up and over at the computer, but Bruce had already stood up and pulled his cowl on before you could see what the alert said.

"Who is it?" You called over.

Bruce was about to get in the Batmobile. "Didn't say, just someone out of Arkham. I'm sure Gordon will have a rundown for me," Bruce looked at you. Once you nodded, Bruce got in the Batmobile and sped out of the Batcave.

You quickly pushed your homework aside and moved over to sit in front of the Bat-Computer so you could listen to Bruce and see what he was doing. You watched the tracker of the Batmobile, making quick turns and stopping where the alert was coming from.

"Who is it?" You asked again into the comms when Batman arrived at the scene.

He didn't reply, which only frustrated you more. Even if you weren't out there with Batman, you still wanted to know what was going on! He's had how many partners and still doesn't understand that? You heard some sounds, but none of them were what you were looking for. After he huffed a few times, he said your code name.

"Yeah?" You replied immediately.

"May need you to get down here," Batman replied.

"What's going on?" You asked.

Batman really didn't want to tell you due to the tension that has been on the team recently. But he also knew if you didn't get a heads up, you'd be even madder. "Joker and goons. Just need the backup to watch the goons."

"Oh," You said and slumped back in the chair with an evil smile. "Yeah, no."

"Seriously?" Batman groaned, and you heard another grunt come through, probably a goon being punched.

Alfred was walking up behind you to listen to the conversation. "Yeah, that sounds like a you problem," You continued.

"If Robin were here, he'd help me," Batman tried to get under your skin.

"It's a shame he isn't here tonight, then. You know, B, this wouldn't be an issue if you just let Joker stay dead. You wouldn't be fighting Joker goons, and there wouldn't even be a Joker breakout at Arkham. Again."

Batman grunted again. "We are not discussing that right now! You know my stance."

"And you know mine. You brought him back; he's your problem; you deal with it. I was perfectly fine letting Joker stay dead for all the things he's done. And now, hopefully, you can see that it would have been smart to just let things that happened happen," You said sarcastically. You knew this would make Bruce mad, but sometimes, it was just too easy.

There were a few moments where Batman didn't say anything, and after some more swishes of wind coming through the comms, it got quiet. "Nevermind," Batman said, and before you could respond, the comms went dead.

"You know," Alfred said from behind you. "I think there was a better way you could have handled that."

You turned around quickly to face Alfred. "Oh, come on. You agree that Bruce shouldn't have brought Joker back, right? This is his own fault," You crossed your arms.

"It does not matter what I think; what's done is done," Alfred told you. "I don't think Master Bruce was expecting Joker to recover so quickly and make a break for it, though. But it would have been nice for you to help him."

"He had to give Joker mouth-to-mouth, Alfred. I wouldn't for a second think about doing that! Besides, for all the people Joker hurt, maybe it was time," You complained.

Alfred nodded, as he did see it from your point of view as well. "Yes, I understand. Joker is a bad person, I agree. But maybe give Master Bruce a bit of a break?"

You thought for a minute, then sighed. "Just a little one. But I'm not going to stop making fun of him; it's just too much fun."

A smile cracked on Alfred's face. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

You tore away from the conversation when your phone went off and looked to see who the message was from.

Tim: Heard Joker broke out of Arkham again. How'd that go with Bruce?

(Y/N): I bet you can guess.

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