Introducing Me - Dick Grayson x Stark!Reader

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Words: 1177
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Stark!Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark
Warnings: none
Summary: Based on Introducing Me from Camp Rock 2, You and Dick like each other, but how can you like him when you know nothing about him? Dick has decided to introduce himself to you.
Author's Note: Yes, this is based on the song from Camp Rock 2. It's adorable!! Also, I live for dick x stark!reader, my absolute favorite trope. We love a short n sweet fluff fic.



He knew he wasn't supposed to be sneaking into the Avengers' Compound, but Dick needed to see you. You keep running into each other at parties and occasionally during battles where both teams show up, but you're not so sure about him. He's had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, and you said you think you like him, but you also keep saying you don't even know him and you need to know more about him before anything goes anywhere.

However, you never thought he would actually try to do anything about it. You thought the two of you would continue awkward small talk at your parent's parties and help each other out on the field, not having to worry about developing any more feelings for him. But Dick was determined and, frankly, too persistent for his own good.

It was a good thing your dad was busy when Dick decided to sneak in, because FRIDAY would have alerted him instead of you first. Heck, he would have kicked Dick out before Dick could even explain why he was there. But since Tony wasn't listening to FRIDAY's remarks, she told you when she caught someone trying to enter doors and windows. She directed you to the camera, and you quickly recognized him.

You asked FRIDAY to keep this quiet since you knew it was Dick and made it over to the door he was trying to open. You watched him struggle as you walked up, arms crossed and waiting for him to notice you. When he didn't, you spoke loud enough to scare him. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked, causing him to jump back when he heard your voice.

"Oh!" He squeaked. "Hey! I was looking for you, actually. Can I come in?"

You rolled your eyes but gave in and opened the door. "You're an idiot; you know that, right?"

Dick walked inside the compound and gave you a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Imagine if my dad saw you before I did; you'd be dead," You said. "I thought Bruce taught you to be smarter than this." Though your dad and Bruce got along, they had an agreement to stay out of each other's stuff, and Tony would have flipped if he saw Dick trying to break into the Avengers Compound.

He shrugged, not offering any explanation. "Oh, well, I'm here now."

"Okay, but I have a meeting with the team soon. So what's up?"

Dick smiled. "I was thinking we could finally talk," He said, and when you gave him a confused look, he continued. "You always say you barely know me, so I thought, what better time than now to introduce myself? Fully, I mean," He explained and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket to hand to you. "It's a list of things not many people know about me."

You fiddled with the paper, not sure whether you wanted to open it. Luckily, FRIDAY made that decision for you when she came over the speakers around the compound and announced, "Two minutes until team meeting."

Quickly, you handed Dick his paper back and scrambled. "Look, I really gotta go. You should get out of here before someone else sees you."

"Well, you still have two minutes, right?" He smirked.

Sighing, you easily gave in. "O-okay."

Dick sat down on the nearby couch, and you followed, and he started to read his list. "I'm good at wasting time, definitely think lyrics need to rhyme, and I'm trying to grow a mustache."

"Please do not grow a mustache, Dick," You interrupted him, but he shushed you since he was on limited time.

He continued to tell you different things; his favorite trick he performed at the circus, his favorite time of day, and what foods he likes to eat. "I love it when you say my name," He smiled at you.

A bell sounded from FRIDAY, alerting the team that was not yet at the meeting that they needed to be at the meeting pronto. You stood up, ready to run off, but Dick stood up with you, not stopping his list.

"Remember, you asked for this!" He said as you tried to weasel your way out of the conversation. The bell beeped again, and you started to walk down the hallway toward the meeting room. Dick followed and started talking faster.

"I'd never trust a dog to watch my food, and I like to use the word dude," Dick continued; this time, you weren't saying anything. As he went on about music, he likes, how he got the Nightwing name, and his favorite subject in school, you were starting to be amused and were smiling slightly. "I love the sound of violins and making someone smile," He said, only making your small smile grow wide.

As you were getting close to the meeting room, you stopped around the corner to let Dick finish his list. Your dad knew you were nearby, and he shouted your name to remind you that you were late. "Be right there!" You called back, which satisfied him enough.

You made a gesture to tell Dick to hurry up, which he listened to. He was speaking even faster than last time to get through the rest of his fun facts. He explained how he likes his popcorn, who his favorite Avenger is, and if he could, he would spend hours in a kids' museum. Dick told you that his vehicles all have names, he loves trick birthday candles, and who his favorite Animal Crossing villager is. "Well, you probably know more than you ever wanted to. So be careful when you ask next time," He winked. "I hope introducing me wasn't that confusing and possibly amusing," Dick finished and closed his list, holding it down by his side.

You appreciated that he took your concerns to heart, and it only proved to you that you do like this guy. So, you leaned in and kissed him. It was a short kiss because both of you jumped when your dad walked up behind you and said your name loudly. You shyly turned around to face him. "Everyone's waiting for you," Tony said.

"I know; I'm sorry," You apologized.

"It's my fault," Dick interjected, making you wince when you fully realized what your dad saw. One, Dick was in the Avengers Compound, and two, he caught you guys in a kiss.

"I know it is," Tony responded. "How about saving all that for Gotham?" Tony said, a hint of joking in his voice.

Dick nodded. "You got it," He said, then you turned to look back at Dick. "See you later?"

"Definitely. Thanks for this," You smiled again and took his list of facts, quickly turning to walk off with your dad. Once the door to the meeting room shut, Dick celebrated to himself, then realized he would have to figure out how to get out of the compound. Oh well, he's had one win today; he could find another.

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