I'm Fine - Avengers & Reader

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Words: 1077
Pairing: Avengers & Reader
Featuring: Peter Parker, Flash Thompson, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: bullying, fighting, anger
Summary: At school, you struggle after you and Peter get picked on. Your abilities want to help take care of it.
Author's Note: All gen! Y/N is unstable and the avengers are there to help and we love them for it



"I'm fine!" You shouted, walking away from Peter after second period. 

"Hey, we can call Nat or someone to calm you down..." Peter offered. He knew you had anger problems; it came with the super strength. And all these people picking on Peter and you was finally becoming too much.

"It's not a problem!" You shouted at him, catching the attention of everyone standing around, including the bullies that were making fun of you. "It's just a challenge."

"What do you mean?" Peter put his hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down and stop the scene. Peter was not one to like all this attention; he liked to stay hidden and be in the shadows. You also weren't one to love the spotlight, but when you got upset, you didn't care.

"It's a challenge to resist going over there," You pointed at Flash, "And kick him in the balls!"

Flash laughed. "Then come over here and do it. You won't do it; you're too weak!" He turned to his friends when you held your fists up. Peter put his arms around you to hold you back. 

"You know you can't. They'll know, and you know what Nat will say," He whispered, trying to get you to stop.

"Yeah, she'll be damn proud!" You shouted, but Peter held you back as you struggled to get past Peter.

Flash turned to his friend, who loved to pick on you specifically. "Can't even get by the little boy? You won't hurt Flash," The whole group laughed.

Peter whispered to you, not wanting any more trouble than was already there. He guided you away to your next period; then, he went to his own class. You have had enough of this, the bullies were getting away with beating down how Peter feels, and they were insulting you. They needed to know what they were doing was wrong, and if your words wouldn't work, then your fists would.

You tried to calm yourself down during third period, afraid that if the team found out you punched someone, they would be worried and not let you go to school anymore. They would want to keep you home because your enhancements meant strange moods and uncontrollable problems. When you were found as just a little kid by SHIELD, you were kept in the base since you were too unstable, and it was easier to have agents teach you when you had time. Natasha and Clint taught you everything you know about fighting, and Clint even helped teach you. But until Tony knew about Peter, you were kept in the base.

You couldn't risk leaving school. As much as the people suck, it is a nice way to get out of the base. And after reminding yourself about all of that, you weren't going to fight. You were actually feeling okay and calm, thankfully.

That was until you got out of third period and headed outside for lunch. You were going to meet Peter outside to go for a swing and get food. You always had to wait for Peter, as he was on the complete opposite side of the school.

And Flash and his minions were coming right at you. "Get out of here," You rolled your eyes and turned around.

Flash began. "You need to know that I'm stronger than you, and I would not go against me."

You laughed at his statement but didn't say anything. You weren't going to provoke him; you weren't even looking at him anymore. "Listen to me!" Flash shouted at you, and within a second, he threw you to the ground, and you landed on your shoulder.

You could already feel a bruise forming as your eyes got darker and your muscles bigger. "You probably shouldn't have done that..." You grunted and pushed yourself up.

"Oh, and what are you going to do?" He laughed.

You walked up to him and put your hands on his shirt, picking him up and slamming him against the wall. "No! Don't!" Peter's voice was faint, but it was quickly moving towards you.

You didn't look over, and Flash looked confused about how you were holding him up. You pulled one hand back but kept him up with the one holding him. Flash was yelling for his friends to get him down. Peter was shouting at you not to hurt him, and you grabbed his shirt again with both hands. You pulled him off the wall and turned to the field as kids started to hurry out of the way. You pulled him closer to you to get ready to throw him; you were going to prove a point.

You heard a deep voice come up behind you, calling your name. "We need to talk. Right now. Put the boy down; we can deal with him later." And when you turned around, you saw Tony standing there with his arms crossed.

You looked over at Peter. "You called Tony? What the hell, Peter? I told you what-"

"I told him to call me if there was a problem. You're still unstable," Tony whispered the last part to ensure everything would stay a secret. "Come on; I'm taking you and Peter home right now. We have some stuff to talk about," Tony put his arm around you, but didn't move. "As for you," He pointed to Flash- Peter probably told him about the bullies- "I will be making some calls, Thompson."

And with that, you left Flash with a dropped jaw and headed to the base with Tony and Peter. 


"I know you're upset with me," You sighed when Natasha walked into your room.

"You were trying to stand up to the bully, but you know that using your strength is not the right way to do it," She sighed.

You looked away, knowing that Natasha was not happy with you. "I couldn't control it."

"I'm going to help you with that," She assured you. "But first, tell me how scared he was!"

Clint walked into your room next, before you could even begin to tell the story. "Not yet," He started, "Peter told me you got hurt. Let me see it."

You rolled your eyes and pulled up your sleeve to reveal the big bruise that Flash gave you. "Are you okay?" They both exploded at the same time.

With a sigh, you pulled down your sleeve and smiled. "Yes, mom, yes, dad, I'm fine," You joked.

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