Greatest Hits (2/3) - Loki x Reader

386 11 6

Words: 2050
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Featuring: Sylvie, Agent Mobius, Lady Sif
Warnings: Mentions death (not graphic), grief
Summary: Loki finds himself near death yet again, and thinks back to just a few hours before. Then, he gets stuck in a time loop, bringing back a lot of grief he never wished to relive.
Author's Note: Just a warning, there is no actual Loki and (Y/N) interactions in this since it is based on Loki ep 3 and 4, but it focuses on Loki talking about (Y/N) and wanting to get back to them. Yes, I got rid of Sylki entirely, I want them to be best friends and trust each other because they are the same.



As Loki and Sylvie were sitting on Lamentis, awaiting death, Loki felt like he had a friend again. Though they've only known each other for a short time, Loki thought this other version of himself to be like a sibling, much different than Thor, and someone he could talk to. Sure, it wasn't going to last long since this planet was going down with them on it, but it was nice for the end of the world.

He thought back to all he had learned in such a short time: The TVA is fake, there are other versions of him, and you were still alive, being the most important ones. He was cursing himself mentally that he had let it go this far, and now there was no chance to get back to you. He thought back to the video of him in the future finding you, then to the conversation he and Sylvie shared on the train not too long ago.

"So, on the subject of love," Loki continued their conversation. "Is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?" He asked as he combined his glasses.

"Yeah, there is, actually," Sylvie replied.


"Managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman whilst running across time, from one apocalypse to another," Sylvie added as Loki sipped his drink.

Loki chuckled. "And with charm like that, who could resist you?"

She elaborated a bit more, and Loki sighed to himself. Sylvie noticed and took the opportunity to ask. "How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be princesses or perhaps another prince?" She asked.

Loki nodded slightly. "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you," He said, and Sylvie nodded. "But I do have someone waiting for me; they just don't know it at this time."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I recently found out that my partner is alive. I thought they died a few years back, and when the TVA brought me in..." Loki dragged out.

Sylvie understood. "They showed you moments from your life? And you found out this person did not die?"

Shaking his head, Loki took another drink. "No, apparently, only got sent to another realm. Sakaar, if you know it."

"Hmm, I do. It can be a tough place; I hope they found a good life there until you find them again," Sylvie said.

"It seems some Grandmaster is looking out for them. But I'll be back with my darling before I know it," Loki promised, mostly to himself.

Loki could not believe he had made that promise a mere few hours ago, and he was already breaking it. Not surprising, but he really wanted to keep this one. As he awaited death silently with Sylvie, they were both shocked by seeing the TVA doors open, and, though they knew that wasn't their best idea, they went through the doors.


After being pushed into the red door, Loki was a little distraught with what he was seeing. It certainly looked like the Palace, but there was no way he was really in Asgard. He looked around, trying to figure out what this trick was. He didn't have much time to think until he heard a familiar voice, clearly angry at him.

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