Crazy Rich Gothamite (1/2) - Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Words: 3471
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Mentions hospital, mentions being sick, identity shenanigans, swearing
Summary: In this AU, Bruce has more secrets than you would expect. When things in his world start to change, he has something important to tell you.
Author's Note: I've been calling this the "Crazy Rich Asians AU" but it really only has to do with no one knowing Bruce is Bruce Wayne with billionaire parents. He changed his last name to Pennyworth after his parents died and has lived an almost normal life. Also he's still Batman, this takes place after like 6 months of being Batman. Both you and Bruce are 20, going to college and working part-time jobs.


Mondays are always rough, but they are a little easier when you stop into Starbucks on your way to school and see your boyfriend smiling behind the counter. It was busy, so he didn't see you come in, and you waited in line to order. A few minutes later, you ordered your usual drink, told the cashier your name, and walked over to wait for your drink.

"Have a great day," You watched Bruce tell an old man as he handed out the coffee. He was handed the next drink, which had your name on the cup, and he looked up excitedly to make eye contact with you. "You snuck in!" He said.

"Well, you're a bit busy," You shrugged and gestured to the rush.

He nodded and made your drink like he had hundreds of times before. When he reached over to hand it to you, he checked behind him and leaned further over the counter to sneak a kiss on your cheek. "Have a great day," Bruce said softly.

"Thanks; I'll see you after school. Six o'clock, don't forget!" You pointed a finger at him.

"Wouldn't dream of it," He said as he leaned back and grabbed the next cup.

You turned to leave but paused before you got even a step away. "Love you!" You called out.

"Love you, too," He added and got back to work.

As you rushed out the door and back to your car, Bruce's coworker, Seth, slid next to him. "If the boss catches you kissing again, she's gonna write you up."

"She's not going to write me up," Bruce said, not even looking at Seth. "I'm the best worker here; she's not going to risk it." Sure, it was a bit cocky, but he wasn't wrong. He's been working there since before he graduated high school, and there's no way the manager would risk making him mad and losing him.

Seth shrugged. "I don't know, kissing the customers? I don't think that's something she'd like to see."

"It's not like she doesn't know we're together. Besides, no one else saw. Doesn't matter," Bruce said. "Now, are you going to keep gossiping, or are you going to hand me the whipped cream?" Seth didn't respond, only rolled his eyes and grabbed the whipped cream for Bruce.

Relatively, it was an uneventful day for both of you. As usual, Bruce got off work earlier than your day finished since he normally works the early shift. Things were normal until he checked his phone before heading home and saw he had an abnormal amount of calls from Alfred. He figured he would wait until he made it back home until he called Alfred, just in case it was anything weird.

Bruce made it home and fiddled with his lock, giving up after a few minutes of trying to get it to lock correctly. He realized he would have to call the building manager again to try to get the lock fixed. He's thankful that if someone did decide to check out his apartment, he would be able to defend himself, but it was very annoying to have to fight with the lock every few weeks.

He forgot all about the lock when he called Alfred and found out what was going on.

Things were going to change.

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