Being Tony Stark's Daughter and Dating Pietro Maximoff would include...

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Words: 745
Author's Note: Third installment of headcanons I never posted! Originally posted on Tumblr on April 22, 2017.

Tony didn't want you in the Avengers; he was worried about your safety.

- But you always found a way to help out.

- Either you were watching over them or out in the field with them...Tony just didn't always know.

- Sometimes you would hack into nearby cameras to watch over them and guide them with their comms.

- But sometimes you get into your own Iron Man (woman?) suit that Tony didn't know you made.

- He gave in and realized you weren't going to give up. He would rather you be safe about it than he let you join the team, as much as he didn't want you to.

- That only meant you got closer to the entire time.

- Especially the new recruits.

- You quickly became friends with Wanda and Pietro.

- Tony was not happy.

- He liked Wanda; she was mature.

- But Pietro is different. He has a different way of talking to people, and it didn't sit right with Tony.

- Pietro is a flirt, and Tony doesn't like the fact the two of you are nearly the same age.

- Ultron was a tough fight, and it almost killed Pietro. But with your brain, Banner's brain, and Helen Cho's brain, there was a way to save him.

- His recovery was speedy (no pun intended) after everything was stabilized, so he was able to get back out there.

- He was so thankful that he got to live on like there was no way to repay the three who saved him.

- But at least he could spend time with you.

- It started friendly at first- you weren't looking for a relationship, and you figured he was a flirt to everyone, so you didn't let it phase you.

- You two became good friends. You'd watch movies together, play games, spar, literally do everything together.

- But it progressed quickly.

- Pietro never gave up on sweeping you off your feet, but he knew you weren't looking for anything, so he didn't push it.

- BUT THEN you had a dream about him.

- And about how much you really liked him and his presence.

- So it bugged you for like two weeks, and you couldn't get him off your mind.

- And finally, you gave into your feelings, realizing you wanted him as more than a friend.

- You walked up to him one day after his scheduled training and said, "Hey, wanna go out on a date with me? Like for real."


- He thought he was dreaming, so, naturally, he squealed out a yes.

The date was lovely.

- It was like hanging out as the friends you are.

- But with more kissing.

- You two went to dinner and then walked around the city, and yeah, there was a lot more kissing than when you were just friends.

- It felt right, as cheesy as it sounds.

- But you knew Tony would disapprove, so you had two choices:

          - Date in secret

          - or tell Tony and face his wrath.

- After talking about it and going on a few more dates, it was in your best interest to just tell him. keeping it a secret would only end you in more trouble.

           - "Hey, dad, so um, I have something really important to tell you: pietroandiaredating."

           - "That's what this is about? Oh, I know. You guys are really bad at keeping these dates a secret; I had a bet going with Bruce to see how long until you told us all about it. My guess was at least two years; damn, I now owe him a hundred bucks."

            - "yOU KNEW?"

            - "yep. I have contemplated killing Maximoff a few times, but I really wanted to see how this would play out. and now that I knowwwwww........."

             - "Please don't kill him."

- Tony was never really 100% okay with it, but he was living.

- He couldn't go the rest of his life disapproving of what makes his daughter happy.

- And it was nice to see that you two know when to stay all business and to keep your personal stuff off the battlefield.

- He was just happy he didn't have to listen to you two flirt over the comms.

- Because you're responsible.

- Most of the time.

- Tony gets scared every time you say, "hey, Pietro and I have to talk to you."

- He always thinks you got pregnant.

- But really, all you want is a trampoline. I mEAN LOOK AT HOW MUCH FUN THEY ARE.

- He bought you one out of happiness that it's not a grandchild. He thinks it's too early in the relationship for you two to be parents.

- Tony did not like Pietro. Tony still does not like Pietro. But Tony does like seeing you smile and being happy. Tony just wishes Pietro will continue to make you smile like that.

- Or he has his suit ready.

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