Two Years - Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Words: 5124
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Featuring: Alfred
Warnings: Arguing/yelling, death briefly mentioned, angst, aftermath of gotham flood
Summary: After two years of missing your best friend, a flood brings you back together. During this time, there is a lot of awkwardness, confusion, anger, and discoveries.
Author's Note: You and Bruce were best friends for a long time, and now you're Bella Reál's assistant. This takes place a few weeks after the Riddler's flooding in Batman 2022, so this is based on RobPatBat's Batman. Other tags include: slow burn, friends to strangers to lovers, angst, identity reveal.

Also the beginning of this makes me think: Bruce "you're not my real dad, Alfred" Wayne and Bruce "where is Alfred I need him" Wayne

One more, Riddler does know that Bruce is Batman in this :)



He would never admit it to Alfred, but Bruce was exhausted. These last few days, weeks even, have been a lot. From solving riddles to having to show face as Bruce Wayne, and now Batman dealing with Gotham flooding, he was tired. So when he came to the kitchen for his snack, and Alfred was nowhere to be found, he was a bit confused. Alfred's been hounding him that he's not sleeping enough, let alone eating enough, and now Alfred was missing.

Luckily, the loss of Alfred didn't last long, as Bruce heard his voice down the hallway. He was talking to someone, but Bruce didn't hear enough of the conversation to know who was on the phone. Bruce sat at the table to wait for Alfred since he's still banned from using any of the kitchen appliances.

Alfred looked annoyed in this conversation as he made his way into the kitchen to lean against a counter. "You can't do that," He said into the phone, trying his hardest to keep his frustration out of your voice. "It's not safe."

Bruce kept looking at Alfred, curious who was on the other end of this Alfred lecture, but not verbally asking. "Alfred, I'm fine, I promise," You assured him, lying your ass off.

"Okay, how are you getting out of your apartment?" He asked you, still not giving Bruce any hints that he was talking to you.

You sighed, hopefully not loud enough for the phone to pick up. "The fire escape. It works just fine," You said, "Besides, I'm not leaving much because of the aftermath."

"It is not fine," Alfred declared. He was seriously worried about your health after the water damage, especially after finding out that there was so much debris in the halls of your building that you couldn't leave that way.

"It is!" You argued. "It will just be a few more weeks and-"

"No, stop right there," Alfred was not hearing it. Bruce wasn't sure what the lecture was about, but it clearly wasn't satisfying Alfred. "Half the city is waiting for their buildings to have water damage fixed; it won't be just a few weeks. I'm positive we have room in the tower for you," Alfred finished. Bruce nearly jumped back when he heard Alfred invite whoever was on the phone to come live in the tower.

Was he seriously offering this? You were kind of shocked, really. "Alfred, I appreciate it, but no. I don't want to intrude on you and Bruce."

"You're not intruding; you're being invited." He was smiling now; you could hear it.

"You're inviting me, not Bruce, and I'm pretty sure it's his name on the tower. I will not be blindsiding him," You said, but before Alfred could retort, you continued. "So no, I m not coming to the tower. Not unless Bruce is the one that invites me, and I haven't even gotten more than one-word texts back from him in almost two years. I doubt that I'll hear from him before the debris is fully gone."

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