Forgive - Peter Parker x (f)Reader

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Words: 1069
Pairing: Peter Parker x (f)Reader
Featuring: May Parker
Warnings: Y/N deals with period, sadness, anger
Requested by anon
Summary: When you forget to meet up with Peter, he's upset. That is, until he realizes what is going on.
Author's Note: Set around Spider-Man Homecoming, May doesn't know he's Spidey yet. Peter is adorable.



You woke up to a bunch of knocks on your door and someone calling your name. You recognized it as Peter Parker and called that he could come into your room. You gave him a key to your apartment you share with your parents, as he is your best friend, so you trusted him to not abuse it. It was either that or have Spider-Man show up at your window every time Peter was bored.

"What the hell?" Peter looked and sounded angry, but your half-asleep self was confused why he showed up to see you on Saturday evening. You had a baffled look on your face, and it only made Peter angrier. "We were supposed to hang out, and you blew me off! You know I had an important meeting with Mr. Stark about going on missions with the team! You can't just blow me off like that because you were tired!" He yelled at you.

Luckily, your parents weren't home, so he could yell all he wanted. It was probably for the best, though; Peter was really upset over this. You admitted to yourself that you forgot about the plans you had with him, but you felt like shit, and you didn't even have enough energy to argue with him. "Sorry, Peter, I haven't been feeling so well," You sighed and tried to sit up, only to fall on your back from the pain.

"You could have called me!" Peter crossed his arms, glaring at you. He was pissed. Tony was going to start thinking about letting him join in on some missions if he had enough meetings. And today would have been his last one, but he canceled the meeting so he could hang out with you since your schedules rarely work.

"I fell asleep; I thought it would help how I'm feeling..." You sighed, not looking at him.

"Whatever," Peter rolled his eyes and opened your window. Standing on the fire escape, he shut the window and swung away. You knew he was mad beyond belief when he went swinging without his suit. You had only seen him do that a few times, and it was when he was upset or mad, and it was usually at you.

Unable to control your emotions, you started to cry. You felt horrible for making Peter angry when he left time specifically to hang out with you. The weekends were hard to get together as he's usually busy with May or Tony, and after school is easier, but he has to get to being a superhero quicker then. Of course, you see him at school, but that's different. 

You hid underneath your blankets again to try to get your crying to stop. But with all the hormones, you were feeling worse with everything you had sitting on your shoulders.

Peter was furious. He landed on the top of a random building and stared over the busy city. He felt bad for blaming everything on you, but he was upset. He had no idea why you were acting so strange; this was not behavior he expected from you. Typically, you were always on time and excited to be with Peter, so it confused him why things were so different.

"Shit, has it been four weeks already?" Peter pulled out his phone and clicked on the app he had specifically for you, bringing back memories from the first time May found it.

May grabbed Peter's phone because she was curious about everything he did on it. She typed in his password, 774337, spelling out "spider," and she was in. For some reason, Peter had a strange obsession with spiders, but May wasn't going to say anything about it.

May wasn't going to look through his texts; she was just curious what apps he had. There were a few games, a few photo editing apps, and social media. There was one app, though, that threw her off.

She clicked on it, and there was another password, the same as the one to get into his phone. She looked through what was being tracked and laughed a little bit that this was on Peter's phone, of all people.

"Uh, May, why do you have my phone?" Peter asked when he walked into the room where May was sitting, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Peter, is it your time of the month?" May raised her eyebrow and turned the phone around to show the app that was on Peter's phone, which happened to be a period tracking app.

Peter shook his head and snatched the phone from his aunt. "Look, (Y/N) is really bad at remembering when her period is, and you know when you go to the doctor and stuff they always ask, and she never knows. I also needed to know when to prepare for the hormones because she never has the stuff she needs, so I track it for her. She just has to tell me when and I mark it down. As simple as that," Peter shrugged, trying to explain why he was tracking your period for you.

"Honey, that's sweet and all, but it's not normal to track your best friend's period."

"Well, why not?"

Peter swore at himself, feeling even worse. Just as he thought, it had been four weeks, and your period was meant to arrive yesterday. He already knew you didn't have anything to help you feel better, so he swung off the random building he was on to get to the ground. Walking to the closest corner store, he grabbed the essentials. 

Peter quickly grabbed what he knew you love: ice cream, chips, candy, soda, and a shitty magazine to laugh at. He was trying to hurry, as he wanted to make it back to your apartment before you hated him forever. Forever as in, the rest of the week during your period. 

"Big party, dude? Or is it time for your period?" The man at the register asked, making Peter roll his eyes and want to tell him to shove off.

Peter got out of the store and swung back to your apartment, knocking on your window, hoping you would get out of bed to greet him. You gave him a strange look when you saw him. "Thought you were mad at me," You wiped your tear-stained cheeks,

Peter held out the bag and gave you a big smile. "Forgive me?"

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