Late Night Report - Dick Grayson x (f)Reader

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Words: 1189

Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Reader

Warnings: Mentions canon-typical violence, sappy

Summary: Dick can't wait to see you after patrol, and he starts daydreaming aloud to his sulking brother.

Author's Note: There is no actual dick and yn interaction in this, he just talks about how much he loves you. Jason also has a girlfriend. This is based entirely on the photo above (source on my tumblr). This is also like really based on the daydreaming and headcanoning cafeacademia (on tumblr) and I have been doing the last week.

And, if you're more of a Jason lover, I will be writing his perspective about him missing his girlfriend (you ;) )

It was nearing the end of patrol, and Dick was so thankful. It was supposed to be a simple, quick patrol around Gotham to tie up some loose ends on a case with Jason. But when those loose ends turned into fighting two separate gangs, the two hours out of the apartment quickly became closer to five.

He was exhausted.

Dick was also upset that he couldn't head home yet. All he wanted was to see you and end the night doing what you two were planning after the "short" patrol. He wanted to eat some takeout, watch some TV, cuddle, and probably kiss (a lot).

But no, he had to wait for Batman to be done with the police so he could give him his report, and then he can go home. And Dick knows that Gordon likes to get every detail from Batman as possible, and with how big this night was, it was going to take a while.

Dick decided that instead of trucking it all the way back to the Batcave (and then all the way back to his apartment), he'd just wait on the rooftop nearby. He sent Batman his location and waited, kicking his feet over the edge of the building and looking around the city from above. He was sweating and tired, and it was late with very few people out on the street, so he took his mask off to let his face breathe a bit. He's always very aware of his surroundings, so if, by some miracle, someone got onto the roof, he would have his mask on before they saw him.

"You waiting for him, too?" Dick heard the deep voice he recognized as Jason. Though, he'd be lying if he said he didn't slightly jump. Dick turned his head to see Jason approaching from the other side of the building. They were supposed to be working together tonight, and did for about ten minutes until all hell broke loose.

"Yeah, he's still talking to Gordon. I didn't want to go back to the Cave, would rather just give him my verbal report here then head home," Dick explained, watching as Jason walked closer to him and eventually sat next to him. "I promised I'd be home like three hours ago. I did call to say I was going to be late, but I always feel bad."

Jason tore off his helmet and domino mask, sitting them behind him. "Yeah, but at least they're understanding. Hell, to date any of us, you have to be. Especially when they aren't in the same business," He sighed. "I'll make sure you get to talk to him first since I don't have to be home by any specific time."

"I appreciate that," Dick said and looked away from Jason and up at the sky. "But yeah, she's always very understanding. Always has been. I don't know how I got so lucky." Once Dick started thinking and talking about you, it's nearly impossible to get him to stop. Jason knows this, and no matter how much he's sulking tonight, he'll let Dick talk it all out. Jason has learned how to tune him out and has been for years, and Dick won't even notice.

Dick kept going. "We're going to watch some TV reruns, she'll order some takeout, and we'll eat the greasy takeout on the couch while watching the reruns," He explained his to-do list for the rest of the night. "I always love our more elaborate date nights, but I adore the time we get to ourselves in the apartment. The cute, intimate moments just between us. I love showing her off to the rest of the city and the press, but there's just something about being able to be us in our own space, you know?"

Jason hummed in response, not listening at all to what Dick had to say. Dick noted the hum from Jason as one he has heard far too many times when Jason tunes him out, so he moved his view of the sky to look at Jason. "Are you listening to me?" Dick asked.

"Mhm," Jason nodded again, his chin resting on one of his hands while he looked like he just watched someone kill a kitten.

"I think you're ignoring me," Dick crossed his arms.

Though Jason can tune Dick out, he knows the gist of what was said. It's the same idea of what he says every time he talks about you. "No, I heard it. Not like I haven't heard it before," Jason sighed again. "Why do you always say the same things about her? You're like a broken record."

"Because I love her," Dick revealed. "I should probably tell her that, shouldn't I?" He asked.

Jason only half-heartedly shrugged in response. "Come on, give me more than just that. I know you're upset your girlfriend is out of town, but can't you at least pretend to be interested in what I have to say?" Dick asked.

Jason contemplated the best way to answer that question. Again, he's heard the same spiel about you a million times, and you've only been together for a few months. He worries about what Dick will be like further along in your relationship: will he stay this sappy? Will it get worse? Could he possibly ever mellow out a bit? Well, only time will tell, he guesses.

Luckily, Jason was saved from having to answer the question Dick asked by boots landing on the roof. Before they even looked over, they both knew it was Bruce. He can be as stealthy as he wants, but they will always know. "What are you still doing here, Dick?" Bruce asked as he stood looking down at his two helplessly in love sons.

"Uh, waiting to give you my report," Dick said as he grabbed his mask and clamored to stand up. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

Dick could barely see it, but Bruce's eyes squinted in what he thought was confusion. "I thought you would've left to get home. Considering you had plans, I mean," He said. "But if you want to go ahead and give me your report now, I'm all ears."

He knew the verbal report would take a good chunk of time, and Dick never looks a gift horse in the mouth. Without hesitation, Dick threw his mask back on, turned to face the edge of the building, and smiled. "I'll email you my report tomorrow!" He said. "Bye, guys!" Dick shouted as he fell from the building, catching himself before he reached the ground.

Both Bruce and Jason watched Dick disappear as he headed back home. Bruce looked down at Jason, still sulking, and stifled a laugh. "Well, considering you have nowhere to be, do you want to give me your report now?"

Jason groaned. "Sure, sit down, old man," He said, patting the concrete that Dick had just vacated. "You never let me leave before giving reports."

"You don't ever wait around long enough for me to let you," Bruce shot back as he sat down. "So, how'd things go on your end?"

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