Young Spy - Peter Parker x (f)Reader

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Words: 1451
Pairing: Peter Parker x (f)Reader

Featuring: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, (comic) Yelena Belova

Warnings: Red room, killing, fighting, lying, being a spy, guns, shocking

Summary: Working for the Red Room, you find yourself in some crazy situations. And when it leads you to the Avengers, well, things get even crazier.

Author's Note: This was written BEFORE Black Widow and Hawkeye came out, literally back in 2017. This Yelena is pretty different from the Yelena we see in the MCU. Take her with a grain of salt, I got most of her characterization from the quick comic I read and the wikis. Also there is not a second part to this.



"Progress report?" Yelena asked you over the phone.

"It's going much slower than intended. Tony Stark isn't making it easy, especially with the rest of Avengers always on high alert. No one has suspected anything suspicious, and I have even made a friend who gives off that he knows something about them. Hopefully, things will play out soon," You reported.

"I'm counting on you, Agent. We need to get him out of the way before our plan can go on. Your abilities are important, even more so with as young as you are. Do not let me down," Yelena said, her voice more serious than she was yesterday.

"Of course, Miss Belova," You said, and she hung up on you.

You started to plan out your day for tomorrow and see if you could come up with anything else to get into the Avengers base without a problem. Maybe talking to Peter Parker and seeing if he knows anything would help. If you could get into the facility as a friend, then you could snoop around and find a way to sneak in later. As a spy and assassin, you were always on the move, and for this mission, you were in Queens. As well as having to hide your identity, this time you had long, blue hair and different colored eyes thanks to contacts.

"So, Peter, tell me about this girl you've been ogling over," Natasha smirked as she drove the teenager home from the Avengers facility.

"We've barely talked," Peter sighed. It was only a half-lie. He talked to you sometimes, but he was always too afraid to keep the conversation going for too long. He also meant to find you at lunch and after school, but it was like you disappeared. Lucky for him, though, since you are the new student and Peter excels in science, you were set to be his lab partner. 

Natasha shook her head. "Then you best better talk to her more and use your charm! Or your awkwardness. Whatever you have," She chuckled.

"Thanks, Nat, that is so encouraging," Peter rolled his eyes, unamused by what Natasha was saying.

"You will thank me one day."


Peter was determined to talk to you for more than a few minutes. He wanted to find a way to wow you, but he had no idea how. 

He found you in science class writing in your notebook before the bell rang. He tried to take a look at what you were writing, but it was too hard for him to see without it being obvious. Instead, you spoke to him first. "Hey, Peter!"

"Oh, hi," Peter said the fake name you gave him, a little unsure as you stole his thunder.

"How are you today?" You asked.

Peter took a second to reply, thinking of how to word things to incorporate another question. When he couldn't think of something, he just said something normal. "I'm pretty dandy," Peter said, mentally slapping himself for sounding like a dork.

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