Moving On - Peter Parker x Reader

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Words: 2777
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Memory loss, mentions death
Summary: After Dr. Strange casts a spell, Peter has to learn to live in a world where no one knows him. How will he find his way back to you?
Author's Note: Takes place directly after NWH. This is a soulmate au in the way that Once Upon A Time's Snow and Charming are (ex: memories, finding each'll see.) Also I think this has a lil bit of hurt/comfort but I really like it.

This is also a fic for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo challenge! This is for the Soulmates AU square. We're so close to being done with the bingo!



Peter didn't have much to his name, which made moving into his new apartment easier. Only a few boxes here and there, and he would be officially moved in! Then he could try to get his life back together: find his friends and protect his neighborhood.

"Rent is due on the first of the month," The landlord told him.

Peter nodded as he picked up his first box and started to walk to his new apartment. It was a studio, but it was just him, so it was the perfect size. Plus, he would be able to afford it with his new job.

Peter balanced the box in one hand as he unlocked the door, nearly dropping it when the key got stuck. Thanks to his tingle, he was able to catch it without hesitation. "Hey, you okay?" He heard a voice jolt him out of his head.

Once Peter got the door opened, he fumbled around. "Oh, yeah!" Peter said, finally looking up. "Just moving in and...hey," He stopped, staring. He wasn't expecting this to happen already. He knew you lived in this apartment complex, but he forgot that it was this building.

You stared back at him, not saying anything, as you two didn't break eye contact. A few seconds of silence later and you coughed, looking down. "Good. Welcome to the building," You said and introduced yourself. "I live down the hall."

Great, not only was Peter in the same building as you, he was on the same floor! He was not planning on talking to you until he got back on his feet and more confident about making a good second first impression. Peter stumbled a little bit as he set the box down right inside the door. "Thanks!" He said. "I'm Peter Parker; it's nice to meet you," He stuck his hand out, and you hesitantly shook it.

"You too," You replied, still a little cautious about this meeting. "I'll see you around, Peter Parker," You smiled and turned, continuing a few more doors down the hallway to your family's apartment. Once you shut the door, you stood still for a moment and thought in silence. Where did you recognize him from?


Peter, in his mostly empty and small apartment, had worked through a plan, a script, and a billion ideas on how to talk to you. He wrote out tons of notecards and typed up ten pages, but nothing worked. He tried to go to Ned and MJ first to see if just his friends were any easier, but it wasn't, and getting them to remember him without sounding like a lunatic was going to be harder than any villain he's fought.

He figured it would be easier to re-introduce himself and try to make a new friendship before springing everything they forgot onto his friends. Peter had a lot to catch up on, like getting his GED and re-valuing Spider-Man, but you and his friends were more important.

Peter timed it perfectly; he opened his door to you walking out of yours at the same time. "Hey!" Peter called to you, causing you to turn to him quickly.

"Oh, good morning, Peter Parker," You smiled when you noticed it was the neighbor you talked to the other day. It worked out well because you wanted to try to talk to him more to see if you could narrow down where you know his face from. "How are you?" You asked as you walked up to him.

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