Next of Kin - Bruce Wayne x (f)Pennyworth!Reader

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Words: 8419
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x (f)Pennyworth!Reader
Featuring: Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Alfred Pennyworth, random nurses and doctors
Warnings: Hospital, hurt, mentions explosions, Gotham Flood, mentions gunshot, swearing, panic attack, yelling, implied smut Rated T for content and swearing. (Nothing is graphic, but there's a lot of discussion.)
Summary: You moved to Metropolis many years ago for school. Now, after graduating and having a successful career, you're surprised to get a phone call from someone from your past. When you find out it's about your dad, it's time to go back to Gotham.
Author's Note: This takes place at the end of The Batman 2022. Alfred is your dad and you're a year-ish younger than Bruce. This deals with the aftermath of the flood, and since we don't see much of it in the movie, I had to make up my own explanations; like being transported on rafts. Also, I know Lois and Clark are not in The Batman, but I have them here and I like having them be a part of the story :)

Additional tags: Slow burn, identity reveal, texting


Bruce watched from outside the room. Alfred was asleep and hooked up to a few machines with a nurse and doctor in the room. A few minutes passed of Bruce silently watching before the doctor came out to talk to him.

She explained that they sedated him to help with his pain, and he would hopefully wake up in a few hours. Finally, she asked, "Is there anyone else we should notify? Next of kin?"

Bruce almost said no, not wanting to have to make the call. But he quickly got over it and said, "I'll call his daughter." The doctor nodded at his response and left Bruce alone. He wasn't sure if she said anything else; he was stuck in his head now about having to call you. Bruce looked at Alfred again, seeing the nurse mess with a few things in his room.

Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to find a seat not too far away from Alfred's room. Bruce scrolled through his contacts, scrolling quickly to your name and trying his hardest not to hesitate. He had no reason to be nervous, right?

Before he could talk himself out of calling you, he pressed the call button. It only rang for a few seconds before it was answered.

"Hello?" A woman said, but it wasn't you.

"Uh," Bruce started. "Who is this?"

The woman paused for a second. "You're the one who called this phone. Shouldn't you know who it is?"

Bruce was taken aback by the sudden bluntness. "I know who I called, but your voice isn't hers," He said, then asked where you were.

"Ah, she's in a meeting. Left her phone with me."

That cleared up almost nothing for Bruce.

"Why did you answer then?" He asked.

He heard a little background noise, which made sense for where you work. "I wasn't going to, but then I saw that the contact said answer! So I did. Can I take a message?" She asked. He was worried; why were you still at work? It's late. Who schedules a meeting this late?

"Just tell her Bruce called. It's urgent," He said, being blunt like the woman who answered your phone was.

"I will let her know once she's out of her meeting, Bruce." The woman said.

"Thanks," Bruce finished and hung up before the woman could say another word. Looking at your contact photo for only another second, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and walked back to look at Alfred again. One more look before he got back to work.

However, on the other side of that phone call was a pair of reporters confused about the mysterious phone call. "So, the person behind the answer!, money emoji, and black heart emoji is named Bruce?" Clark asked Lois. "What else did he say?"

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