Marvelmas (9/13) - December 21 - Pietro Maximoff & Reader

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Words: 1281
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff & Reader
Featuring: Tony, Wanda, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers
Warnings: none
Summary: Listen to some music and with Pietro, oh, look outside!
Author's Note: Pietro and Wanda are Jewish, but they get into the festivities nonetheless! 



You knew that Pietro celebrated different holidays than you, but he also knew what Christmas is and what it means to some people.. He just wasn't into it, for obvious reasons. Of course, he and Wanda knew people who celebrated in Sokovia and sometimes joined in on the festivities, but that was just extra partying.

As he lived in Sokovia, he didn't hear much Christmas music, so it was your honor to introduce Pietro to the festive time. To be honest, you didn't have much planned for his day. He told you from the start that he didn't need one if you ran out of ideas, and he wasn't just trying to get out of it. But you weren't going to let him off that easily, especially for someone like him!

"I got the video you wanted. Now show me the Bucky fail," Tony walked to where you were sitting with a flash drive in his hand.

"Not now; I'm trying to come up with something to do with Pietro for today."

"The list is failing you?" Tony gasped, making fun of you.

"Keep at your sass and you won't make it to Christmas," You smirked at him.

Tony put his hands up defensively to let you continue talking. "Well, what does he like to do?"

"Be annoying? I don't know! I'm out of ideas!" You groaned and threw your hands over your eyes. All of a sudden, you felt a gust of wind, and everything was cold.

"Hi, Maximoff. Bye (Y/N), bye Maximoff," Tony sighed and stood up to go back to whatever he was doing before.

You opened your eyes to see Pietro smiling at you as he ran. "What the hell?" You asked him once you stopped moving as fast as the speed of light.

"You are a liar," Pietro started, making you raise your eyebrows. "I heard you say you had no ideas, but I saw on your list that it says Christmas music!" Pietro held out the list he stole from your room.

"Oh, come on," You groaned, taking your list back from him. "I had that, but that's not going to take the whole day, so I needed another idea," You explained.

"I say we try!" He grabbed your hands and ran, at normal speed, in a circle, making you laugh.

"Are you sure? You won't be bored?" You questioned when you stopped spinning.

"Of course," Pietro started, "And if we get bored, we can harass Tony. He loves that."

You laughed, shaking your head at your Sokovian friend. You realized you were in the media room of the facility, meaning there were enough speakers in there that if you were to make the music loud enough, the room would probably explode. You grabbed your phone and walked over to make sure it connected to the speakers, but keeping it at an acceptable volume.

You put on the Christmas station on the radio you had on your phone, so Pietro could get a feel for some music. Of course, the first song that came on was All I Want For Christmas Is You, which he actually enjoyed.

 "This is an amazing song," Pietro laughed.

"It plays a lot, so you better like it," You warned. The songs continued to play, and Pietro specifically took a liking to Frosty the Snowman and was kind of afraid of Grandma Got Runover By a Reindeer. He also really liked how Feliz Navidad sounded, even if he didn't speak Spanish. He continued to listen while also managing to tell stories in the middle of it.

"Wanda tried to sing Santa Claus Is Coming to Town when we were really young, and some lady yelled at her, screaming that Santa isn't real. She cried for a week because she got screamed at," Pietro laughed.

"That was you! You were the one who cried for a week!" Wanda yelled as she walked past the media room. "You were so sad that you were told to stop singing, as it was horrendous, then Santa was gone. He was a mess!" Wanda called and continued walking.

"She's just...joking," Pietro nervously laughed with a few coughs in his sentence.

"I bet," You nodded as you tried to hold back your laughter.

"Is this song about hooking up?" Pietro asked when he listened to the lyrics of Baby, It's Cold Outside.

"I honestly have no idea- probably."

Your music binge stopped when you heard your name being called from down the hallway.  Peter Parker and Cap ran into the room.

"What's up, guys?" You asked, worried something was wrong. They both were talking simultaneously, making you not understand a thing that was said.

"It snowed!" Peter yelled, "You have to come see!"

"Peter, I've seen snow before," You sighed with a little giggle.

"Yeah, but you have to see how it looks with all the decorations outside!" He added, "Even Cap thinks it's cool!"

"It is pretty cool; Pietro can come too," Steve nodded. Giving in to their pleads, you pulled Pietro off the floor and followed the two outside.

Peter had on his coat and gloves, as well as a hat. You just grabbed your coat since you had no intention of going out in the snow. Steve wore nothing over his clothes, same as Pietro. If Pietro got cold, he could just vibrate and gain enough heat. That, or, he could just run to a warm place.

Peter ran outside, excited for the snow, and Pietro followed. "This is great, come join us!" Pietro encouraged you and Steve.

"I'm good; it's freezing!" You laughed and watched the two run around.

"Ready to see something cool?" Peter asked. You nodded, and he held his hand out, spider webs slinging him from tree to tree. Before you knew it, he was back on the ground with a mound of snowballs sitting next to him; his first instinct was to throw one at Pietro.

"Oh, so that's how it is going to be?" Pietro raised an eyebrow, only getting another snowball thrown at himself from Peter. "You are on," Then, he pointed to you. "You're on my team!" Pietro called.

Without a word from you, Pietro picked you up and sped you to his side of the "battlefield," meaning you could not get out of this fight; it was inevitable. Pietro ran around in circles and scooped up a giant pile of snowballs, ready to attack. He was being fair, though, and let Peter and Cap get enough to match your shared pile. 

When their pile did match, you and Pietro threw as many snowballs as possible. You dodged when you could and aimed at your enemies every chance you got. "Not the face!" Pietro yelled right before getting hit in the face with a snowball. Falling to the ground, he put his hands up like he was surrendering. 

"Ha, bet you didn't see that coming!" Peter ran over, obviously way too riled up. He was throwing the extra snowballs in the air while he was screaming that he had won. He looked up when he threw the last snowball, and it came falling back down in the exact middle of his face.

"That, spider boy, was karma," Pietro laughed. "Something you deserved."

You and Steve looked at each other with no words, not totally sure what to say about this interaction between your teammates. Like you were reading each other's minds, you both decided it would be best if you stayed quiet and let them talk it out.

That only ended in another snowball fight, but you and Steve managed to sneak out of that one and get inside before you froze to death.

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