Four Times You Were Forced On a Date, And One Time You Weren't (1/5)

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Can't put the pairing in the title bc it exceeds the character limit but it's DICK GRAYSON X (f)STARK!READER

Words: 2252
Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Stark!Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Happy Hogan
Summary: All the years of growing up with Dick Grayson, you two have developed a rough relationship with constant arguing and competing. In an effort to make those situations lessen, a plan was born to save your reputations and the reputations of both Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises. But with this ruse, you both have to remember the most important rule.
Warnings: none
Author's Note: Ahhhhh! I am so excited about this mini-series. This is for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo Challenge for the square fake dating. It also involves the tropes enemies to lovers and identity reveals. This takes place over about two months, starting in February (colder) to March/April (warmer), but there are no exact time frames besides the first part mentioning it's cold out and the later parts being warm. IW and Endgame did not happen, everyone is alive.



You're not sure why you agreed to it. Maybe to make your dad happy and get off your back, maybe to get over rumors. But really, you think it was because you're a bit bored and looking for some spice in your life. When you realized how serious your dad was about this, you got a bit worried. When you realized who you agreed to go on a date with, you nearly regretted it.

But, like you already assessed, you were bored. And maybe trying to fake being in love with someone you can barely stand would make things interesting, at least for a few weeks.

It would only be four dates. Your dad already put out a statement that your hatred for each other during interviews and parties was really a coverup for you two dating. But after four public dates, you two could publicly break up, then go back to normal. Well, you both were asked to cool it on the insults and jabs after you "break up," but a little is better than nothing.

You waited outside of Stark Tower, scrolling on your phone. It was a cold night in New York City, but your scarf and hat kept you warm as you read through Twitter. Ever since your dad posted about the situation a few days ago, your feed was full of "I knew it!" and "took them long enough," and it was starting to drive you crazy. It was only the first date, and you already couldn't wait for it to be over.

"Miss Stark," The deep voice caught you off guard as Dick Grayson walked up to you with some flowers in his hand. The blue and black scarf was covering the bottom half of his face, but you could practically hear the smirk underneath. You're not sure why he agreed to this ruse as well, maybe because Bruce didn't give him a choice.

"Good evening, Dick," You forced a smile out. He handed you the flowers as you put your phone in your pocket. "Are you excited for tonight?" You asked.

Dick nodded. "Of course, our first public date not having to hate each other," He said, then winked. You never knew who was listening.

It was only a few seconds before Happy drove around the corner for you two to get in the car. Dick opened the door to let you in and got in after you. Happy was glad to take you to the restaurant and back to The Tower; he was interested in how you two would pull this whole thing off.

"Dick, this is Happy Hogan. Head of security, and he drives me around when I need him," You introduced. "Happy, this is Dick Grayson."

"Nice to meet you," Dick said, and Happy replied the same. He started driving, really just wanting to hear the gossip about yours and Dick's plan.

"So, the restaurant is very nice. My dad got us a reservation, so I'm sure some press found out about the Stark reservation and will turn up," You said. "I mean, normally dad uses a fake name when he makes reservations, but he knows we need this ruse to pass as real, so the press will be of some help," You explained.

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