Hitman (3/3) - Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson & Reader

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Words: 1250
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson & Reader (platonic)
Featuring: Tony Stark
Warnings: little angsty, talk of death, coma, guns
Summary: While Sam is in the coma, you aren't sure how to handle yourself.
Author's Note: It's time for an end to this mini-series! I need to write more Sam tbh he's gr8



"I'm dying over here that you could be dying." You looked down at your best friend's motionless body.

You wished you could say he looked like he was at peace, but his face showed something else. Like he was in pain, this was hurting him.

And you put him there.

Weeks passed, and there was no sign that Sam was going to wake up soon. You hated feeling helpless; you couldn't do anything to get Sam up and out of bed. He was stuck there, sleeping, until his body decided to come back.

You stayed at the hospital as long as you could. Sometimes they had to ask you to leave, and work is a thing, but you went to see him every day. If there was one lesson to learn from this, if Sam does wake up, he's not allowed to die. Living without him being asleep was hard; how could you do it if he's actually gone?

You sighed at Sam when you realized you had things to do at home. Work was getting insane, and you really needed to do some extra work to catch up. "I'll see you tomorrow," You touched Sam's hand and slowly let go as you walked away from the bed.


"Steve, someone is watching my house."

"I'll be right there. Stay inside, hide."

You grabbed your bag and ran into the storage room that no one went into often. You barely saw the guy; you were too scared even to look at him. What if he hurt you, and you ended up like Sam? Sam would wake up and be upset he wasn't there to help you; that's how he is.

Steve ran out of his room, passing by Tony when he was leaving. "And where the hell are you going so late?"

"(Y/N)'s in trouble-"

"The HYDRA agent?" Tony's eyebrows raised.

"It's hard to explain; I'll be back later!" Steve didn't have time to tell; he wanted to make sure you were okay. He quickly found his motorcycle and sped his way to your house, slowing down when he saw the man snooping around the yard.

He could feel his heart scared that you could be hurt. He didn't think he would worry about someone who put his best friend in the hospital, but for some reason, when he saw your face or thought about you, he smiled.

He didn't know how it happened, but he cared about you.

"Hey, I don't think you belong here," You flinched up when you heard Steve's voice outside of your home, a smile spread across your face.

You stepped out of the room to look through the window to see what was happening. "I am in the exact spot where I need to be. (Y/N) (L/N) did not finish the job, so I am going to finish it for them."

Steve shook his head, "You controlled them; shouldn't it be your fault that Sam didn't die? I think, deep down, (Y/N) is too strong to be controlled by you, or anyone, and knew they couldn't kill their best friend. That, that is your fault. Leave (Y/N) alone."

Steve saw the man smirk and turn around; he ran. He ran right into your house, throwing the locked door open and finding you only a few feet away. "I'm going to have fun with this," He held the gun up as you froze in shock, not sure what to do.


And you landed on the ground.


You followed Steve around the Avenger's base; he refused to let you leave his side. He did not want to leave you alone; HYDRA would be after you since Sam didn't die; he was only temporarily gone. You recognized almost all the faces you passed, from Sam talking about them to watching the news- they weren't that hard to identify.

"You brought a former HYDRA agent into our base?" You were sitting outside of Tony and Bruce's lab (at least that's what you were told) while Steve and Tony Stark fought inside. You would think with someone as rich as a Stark, he would get soundproof walls. But with this, you could hear every word that they said.

"They were controlled! Just like Clint was with Loki, it is not any different!" Steve defended.

Why was he defending you?

After a few minutes of arguing, he exited the room with a deep breath. "How does lunch sound?"

"I could go for some food," You stood up, "I'm going to visit Sam after, though."

"I'll come with you," Steve said right after the sentence escaped your lips, "What sounds good?"

Finding a place you both agreed on for lunch was the tricky part. Eventually, you ended up at a generic place where you could get a burger and fries, nothing too special. It was a way to get out of the Avengers base and all the judgemental thoughts, and Steve could get away from Tony's nagging. Plus, you could see Sam again.

You and Steve were having random conversations about whatever ran into your mind. It was a good distraction from everything that had been going on in the past few weeks. And for a minute, you almost forgot that Sam was in a coma- until your phone rang.

You stared at the number, "Aren't you going to answer-"

"It's the hospital," You cut him off, which you seemed to have a habit of doing.

Steve quickly understood and grabbed your phone off the table, "Hello? This is Steve Rogers; yes, they are unable to come to the phone right now. How is he? You, what? Is he okay? Yes, we'll be right there! Thank you." And the phone call ended, "We have to get to the hospital, now."

Paying the check, getting to the car, and making it through traffic took long enough to make your nerves go crazy. You could not stop thinking about what was wrong with Sam. You ran up to the desk, gave your name, and ran to his room. Steve was only a few steps behind you, and you pushed the door open quickly when you got to the room. "What happened?" You asked, and your jaw dropped just as your phone fell from your hands.

Tears welled in your eyes; Sam was there, sitting up, a smile on his face.

"You're awake!" Steve shouted.

You slowly brought your hand up to your face, and tears went down your cheeks. "(Y/N), it's okay, I'm okay," Sam finally spoke; you slowly walked over to him and hugged him, it was unbelievable that he was alive and well.

And no matter how much your heart may have wanted it, you couldn't be with Steve. Not now, and probably not for a while. You had to focus on making sure your best friend would be okay. And not too much longer was it that you moved away; you kept seeing Steve and images of the man who tried to kill you, along with flashbacks of when you shot Sam. You had to leave, and it was nice to start over.

You just didn't know the story would end so soon. The story that you and Steve could have had, and the story that you and Sam were creating as best friends. It ended early, but it was for the best, you needed to be sane, and the others needed to do their jobs without worrying.

At least you could see them on the news.

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