Picnic - Wanda Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1147
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Billy, Tommy
Warnings: Mentions death
Summary: After work, you, Wanda, Billy, and Tommy are excited to have a picnic. It all becomes more difficult when deciding on the dessert.
Author's Note: This takes place BEFORE Multiverse of Madness, but there are still some spoilers since this is on Earth 838! I definitely have my own ideas of how things played out in that universe that comes up in this (ie: what happened to Vision, is Wanda a hero?) so those are mentioned. I also don't mention if wanda and you are just dating or married so that's up to you!




You were sure everything was ready, and everyone was good to head out the door for a nice night. But when Wanda came downstairs, still finger-brushing her hair out, and her kids pestering her for more ice cream, you knew it was going to take much longer before you would eat.

"How much ice cream do we need? We already packed the one container!" She laughed.

"But we need chocolate, and vanilla, and cookie dough, and strawberry, and-" Billy kept naming off all the different flavors he could think of while Tommy nodded after each one.

"Why so many?" Wanda asked. "We're not going to be gone for long; one flavor should be fine."

Both the boys groaned at their mother not understanding their logic. "We won't know what flavor we want after dinner! Which is why we have to bring them all!"

Wanda tried to tell them why it didn't make sense, but they kept begging and talking over her to convince her. Usually, they listened to her, but all manners go out the window when it comes to ice cream. "What about the ones we don't want? They would just melt, and then there would be no ice cream at all until your mom can go to the store," You reasoned with them. "How about we compromise with two flavors?"

The boys thought about your reasoning and agreed it would be worse to have no ice cream at all, so they agreed to two flavors. You and Wanda smiled at each other as they ran to the freezer to pick out a second container of ice cream. "Make sure you both agree, please," Wanda called out as she walked to stand next to you. "We are walking out the door in sixty seconds!"

She knew if she didn't give Billy and Tommy a time limit, they would be there all day trying to decide. And sure enough, in fifty-nine seconds, the boys decided and ran to you and Wanda standing at the front door. Tommy dropped the second ice cream container into the picnic basket you held. Right on time, all four of you walked out of the front door.

Once Wanda locked it, your group started down the sidewalk. Luckily, you two lived near a park that was perfect for a picnic, so walking was easy. Especially during the beginning of summer, when it isn't too hot, the late afternoon is the perfect temperature. The boys talked about their day, telling you about all the games they played and how they helped their mom with the house chores. Since you were at work, it was always nice to hear how they spent their days since you weren't always there with them.

It wasn't a long walk, so with the boys talking non-stop, you arrived at the park fast. Wanda set up the blanket and food perfectly, arranging everything flying out of the basket with her magic. Billy and Tommy loved to watch her move and arrange things with her magic. They tried to get her to do all the chores with that, and though she may cut corners when she's alone, she has to be a good example for her kids! Which is why she has them help with house chores...

It was all set up, and all four of you sat down around the blanket to eat the picnic set out — sandwiches, chips, mini-salads, some fruit cups, and of course, ice cream. There was definitely more food than you all would eat, but that's what made it fun.

After each bite, the kids were calling your name and for their mom to tell them some random fact they knew. "Did you know..." Billy and Tommy went back and forth saying. They were excited to share all the things they figured out just from the shows they watched that day.

"Oh!" Billy piped up, more serious than some of the other facts he was telling. "Did you know the Illuminati asked Mom to join them?" Billy pointed towards you, not thinking much of it.

You were a little confused. "Yeah, years ago. She told me about it."

"No," Tommy said this time, matter-of-factly. "They came by the house today."

This time, your head snapped to Wanda. "I hadn't gotten the chance to tell you we had visitors," She sighed. "It's not important, though. That's not my life," She told you and smiled warmly.

"Mom, that would be awesome, though!" Billy protested.

"Totally awesome! You should join!" Tommy added.

Wanda shook her head. "I already have everything I need right here; I don't need the Illuminati," She said, and the boys groaned at her response. "What is that noise for?" She asked.

"That's lame, Mom," Tommy said. "You could be a superhero!"

"I don't want to be a superhero. I just want to be your mom," She said, leaned forward, and grabbed both her boys to pull them into a hug. They groaned again and pulled back as fast as they could.

"Whatever," Billy said. "Can we have ice cream now?"

"In a bit," Wanda nodded. "Go play for a little bit, and we can have ice cream after."

Billy and Tommy agreed and ran off toward the small playground. When they were out of earshot, you asked Wanda. "The Illuminati are trying to recruit you again? Why now?"

Wanda shrugged. "It wasn't the whole team, just Mr. Richards. He had a letter from everyone, but I only skimmed it. He knows my answer, and it is not changing, even if it has been a few years," She assured you. "He was very nice and understood, but still wanted me to think about it."

"I think you're already a superhero as a super-mom, with two great kids who are growing up to be amazing," You told her, and she nodded.

"Vision gave his life with the Illuminati, and I loved him and know it was something he had to do, but this is what I have to do. I have to be a mother to my kids. Plus, I wouldn't want to be apart from the kids or you," She said.

You smiled back at her and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too," She said, but before anything else could be said, Billy and Tommy ran back over for ice cream. They only played for a few minutes, but the bugs were starting to come out, and they wanted ice cream since they knew it was almost time to go home.

They were right: it was best that they brought two flavors. You and Billy wanted one flavor, and Tommy and Wanda wanted the other. It all worked out, and everyone was happy with the flavor they chose. They kept telling you two how good their idea was the entire walk home, which, thankfully, wasn't very long. 

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