Robin Hood - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 1509
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark
Warnings: Swearing, guns, (yn) killing people
Requested by anon
Summary: After Bucky turned things around and joined the Avengers, his assignment was to capture you and get you on the right side. You never fail to evade him, though, and he keeps on chasing.
Author's Note: i had so much fucking fun writing this. Post-CACW, The Avengers are together as one again, and Bucky is on the team and everyone gets along. No direct relationship but there's deff some tension. (Y/N) has fire powers.



"Who are you looking for, hot stuff?" You asked the elusive Winter Soldier as you sat on top of a building, making a ball of fire. "Little ol' me?" 

"You know you can't be doing what you are," Bucky held his gun up, aiming it at you.

You closed your hand, making the fire go away. "Come on, why can't we talk civilly? I won't hurt you, you won't hurt me."

"No promises," Bucky kept his gun up and aimed.

"What am I doing that is so wrong?" You rolled your eyes as you cast fire into the sky but called it back within a second, "Not like I'm hurting anyone innocent."

With a nod, Bucky scowled. "Yes, you are! You've killed many!" He argued. "As well as stealing!"

"I only kill who deserves it, only trying to make the world a better place, don't fret." 

He rolled his eyes. "You need to stop. We don't do that."

Standing up, you were looking for a way to get out without him following you. "Says you," You shot back, knowing his history. "Well, what do you do then? Keep them in your basement? What if you run out of space? My way is much easier, and I only kill when necessary. I'm just trying to help everyone out here. Call me Robin Hood, why don't you?"

"(Y/N)," Bucky started, "Look, you could do this the right way," He tried to reason with you, but you believed what you were doing was far better than what the Avengers did. Plus, you were efficient. You looked around one more time and found a good spot to escape, and you shrugged. "You wouldn't have to kill anyone."

"Awe, where's the fun in that?" You smirked and hopped off the side of the building, running down your escape route. Bucky tried to follow, but you were too far ahead and lost his trail quickly. It was a good thing, too; you had things to attend to, like stealing from the robbers down the street. They were scared of you, especially after you accused them, and they lied, so you set their pants on fire.


Returning to your hidden base in the basement of an abandoned warehouse, you were expecting to be able to look through the things you took from the bad guys and go to bed. But Mr. Winter Soldier had other plans for you.

You had a bulletin board marking all the robberies and problems around town and some special places: your base, the Avengers base, your favorite shops, and some places common criminals hang out. You marked all the places you hit to help the community when you knew something was wrong and all the places you've accidentally burnt something down.

You also had a small laptop, one of the things you stole from a robber, and a homemade police scanner. But when you returned to your hidden home, instead of finding it clean and how you left it, everything was broken. Your laptop was snapped in half and your board in a million pieces.

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