Telepath - Peter Parker x Reader (1/2)

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Words: 1113
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: crime-fighting, robbery
Summary: As someone who can read minds, school is certainly interesting- Especially when you get partnered with Peter Parker.

Author's Note: Fluff! Chaos! Fun!



You forced yourself to stay awake; there were twenty minutes of class left. But you could have sworn there were only twenty minutes left... twenty minutes ago.

Your teacher wasn't paying attention to anyone behind him as he faced the board. So you decided it was an excellent chance to try and make these twenty minutes enjoyable.

You looked at a few of your classmates and landed on a girl with brown hair. "The party tonight is going to be so great tonight! I bet I could get my boyfriend to-" You decided you didn't want to hear that thought continued and skipped to the next person.

You tuned into a boy who sat in the middle of the classroom who probably stuck gum under the desks. "Would anyone notice if I farted right n-" Skip.

You then tuned to the girl who sits in front of you. "Did he just say that? I am so triggered right now." She snickered, and you moved on.

The only other person who didn't seem to be falling asleep was Peter Parker, so you wondered what kept him energized. You didn't really know Peter all too well, but why not? "Eighteen minutes left. Can this go any slower? There's a robbery in pursuit, and if I can get out, I catch them! It would be so easy to swing around and get them. Go faster, time!"

You were very intrigued by Peter's thoughts. Did he want to catch criminals? How did he even know there was a robbery?

But you decided to help him out. The best part about being a telepath is that you had the power of telekinesis, too. You looked at the clock and made every clock in the school "malfunction" and skip sixteen minutes.

"There's two minutes of class left!" The first girl you listened to yelled out.

"Really? Well, let me tell you your partners!" The teacher turned around with a smile.

You noticed Peter smile when the clocks changed timing, and he got ready to move. You weren't paying attention to the names being called out until you heard yours paired with Peter Parker.

"It was like fate," You thought to yourself, "But fate is dumb."

But this was your chance to see what Peter was up to. He ran out of the classroom with his backpack not even on his shoulder all the way. "How did time skip by?" He wondered.

"Peter, wait up!" You yelled and ran out after him.

His head snapped back, but he didn't slow down. You managed to catch up to him, though, and he looked a little upset. "What's up?" He asked as he looked around.

"I wanted to know if you were down to come over after school so we can start on our project?" You asked.

Peter was obviously distracted, and without even thinking, you dove into his mind. "Peter, get your head straight, they're talking to you! But you have to go stop the robbers. But (Y/N)! Just tell them yes, and then get the hell out of here!"

"I'll ask my aunt; I'll text you," Peter spoke quickly.

"You don't have my number," You laughed.

"I'll get it from someone!" He yelled and pushed passed people, running out.

Your curiosity got the best of you, and you followed. Was it a mistake? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes.

You walked out to see if you could figure out where Peter went, and when you heard a siren blaring, you decided that's where he would be. Luckily, it was your lunch period, so you could miss school.

Walking out from the alleyway you used to cut around all of the people, you saw two men running towards you. "Hurt them; it'll distract the spider!" One man whispered, but since it was going through his mind, you were able to hear it.

You were about to shoot them down, but before you even got charged up, you were swooped away. "Are you hurt?" Spider-Man asked frantically.

"Yes, yes," You told him with a nod.

"Greet, get out of here as quick as you can!" He yelled and swung away.

You nodded and ran off. After hearing his voice, you weren't sure if it was Peter, but you had one more chance.

"Shit, I just yelled at them." He thought.


"So, what do we want to do for this project?" You asked as you drove with Peter.

"It's just a research project, right?"

"He described it as research to the extreme," You shrugged.

"Oh yeah, who do you want to study?" Peter asked; he looked and sounded really out of it.

"I was saved by Spider-Man today. Do you think we could do it on him? He's awesome!" You told him, seeing if you would get a reaction from him.

"Yeah, that's good."

You nodded and continued to drive. Stuck in traffic, you sat in silence.

You were curious about what Peter was thinking, and subconsciously you tuned into his thoughts.

"I wonder if teachers pair students up that they think would be cute together," He thought, causing you to smile.

"Do you ever think about that?" He blurted out.

You decided to play dumb, and keep your power hidden. "Think about what?"

Peter laughed, "Right, sometimes I forget people can't read minds."

And without even thinking, you spoke, "Except I can," Your jaw dropped once you realized what you revealed, "Shit."

"Wait, what?" Peter's eyes went wide, "You can- oh no."

"Yeah, I guess this is as good as time as any to tell you that I know you're Spider-Man."

Peter nodded, not sure how to reply. "Can you do me a favor?"


"What's she thinking?" Peter pointed to a teacher the next day.

"Get out of my way. I have places to be," You repeated from her mind.

"And hers?"

"Why did I take this job?" You snickered as you repeated what the teacher thought.

"That's a good one!" Peter laughed, "What's he thinking?" Peter pointed to the teacher that paired you and Peter together.

"Awe, look, (Y/N) and Peter are sitting together. I bet they're taking a liking to each other. Finally! It was a good idea for me to put them together." Your teacher thought.

You thought for a second if you should repeat what he thought. "Well? What did he think?"

"He said, uh," You paused, and the bell rang, "Let's go!"

But what you didn't realize is that you were whispering what your teacher thought while you were hearing him, and Peter knew exactly what was said.

As Peter was being dragged by you grabbing his hand, a smile came across his face.

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