Hacker - Avengers & Reader

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Words: 1077
Pairing: Avengers & Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
Warnings: hacking, mention of guns, crime fighting
Summary: One day, Tony realizes something is going wrong in his network. When the team finds out what's causing it, they're a bit surprised.
Author's Note: natasha is a woman in stem. Request asked for a kid reader, but age was not specified. Just says "kid" a few times, but age does not matter unless you have a problem with "kid" :)  



 "I never thought I'd see the day where Tony is losing money instead of gaining it," Clint walked into Tony's lab. 

"We're not talking about it," Tony grumbled.

Clint tried to hold in his laughter when he saw the statistics on his computer. The number was dropping by thousands in a matter of seconds. Tony didn't know how to fix it, and he had no idea why everything was dropping. He never spends this much money at once, and he knows how to invest; why was it going down?

He called Pepper to see if there were any problems he didn't know about, and when even she was freaking out, he knew this problem was far above them. Something was going on behind the scenes that he didn't know about, and he had no idea how to solve it. "I don't just lose money. And if I do, it's definitely not that fast."

"I'll check with Natasha; she might have an idea of what might be happening," Clint suggested and walked out.

"FRIDAY," Tony started, "Do you have the report yet?"

"Yes, sir," FRIDAY began, "There seems to be tampering on the-"

"I'm not losing money; someone hacked me!" Tony shouted in relief, throwing his hands up in the air. Papers flew everywhere, and FRIDAY was so shocked she shut down. Clint and Natasha ran into the lab, afraid something was wrong. Luckily, their thoughts were wrong, and Tony could not be more relieved that he was just being hacked.

Clint could not wrap his head around his mindset. "Okay, I see that you're happy you aren't going down the drain, but why are you so happy? Someone's stealing from you?" Clint asked.

Natasha decided to answer for Tony. "Someone's hacking him. That means they're using a computer; and if you look hard enough, you could track the hacker. We can take them down and get the money back," She smiled, probably the most excited to track the hacker; it would be a fun challenge.

Natasha got straight to work. She was determined to beat her record of how fast she could hack a hacker. She used to hack a lot before she worked for SHIELD. It took her hours, but she did it. She found her hacker: you.


Clint, Natasha, and Tony went on a mission to find the hacker. It took Natasha only a few hours to find where the hacker was, but it was a range of places. Luckily, they were all around New York, so the team didn't have to travel far.

They finally tracked it down to a small house that said it was owned by a wealthy family. Tony had never heard of them, and he knows everyone, but it was strange for such a well-off family to have such a small house. Natasha and Tony went in first, while Clint held back to ensure no one came behind them.

Natasha went into the one room with a light on and slowly opened the door to sneak up on whoever was there. She held her guns up, ready to shoot and defend if needed. The person in the chair moved slightly, and she almost shot.

"Stop!" Clint ran into the room, making everyone jump. "It's just a kid!"

Your hands shot up. "A kid?" Natasha groaned, letting her guns down.

You slowly turned around in your chair. "What's going on- oh, hi," You whispered, unsure why some of the Avengers were here.

Then it hit you. "Look, I can explain. It was an accident! You can have all of your money back! I was just testing myself. Honestly, I just wanted to see if I could get past your firewall and maybe take a hundred dollars. I just wanted to try it out and see if I could get into one of the biggest companies, and then it just didn't stop and-"

"How did you get past my firewall?" Tony asked and stepped out of his suit. "It was protected by some of the best and most safe code out there."

You shrugged. "It actually wasn't that bad; it just took some time," You admitted. "I know how to fix it, though; I just need a better computer-"

"Where are your parents?" Clint chimed in; no one was letting you speak.

You took a deep breath, annoyed you weren't allowed to continue talking. "I don't know; I grew up in some facility. They might be there," You suggested. "Now, listen to me-"

"Let's take you to the Compound, we can talk there," Natasha interrupted, making you almost explode.

"You guys suck at listening," You said, not sugarcoating it.

They didn't know how to react, and with very little conversation, you were heading back to the Avengers facility with them. You helped fix the money problem and even talked to them about what you knew how to do, and it wasn't long before they gave you a room to stay in and a rundown of how things work in the base. 


"And, lasers are out!" You called out through the comms and sat back in your chair after hacking into a HYDRA base, taking out whatever traps you could. 

"Great job, kid, are you watching this?" Steve asked you.

"Uh, of course," You hesitantly replied as you leaned forward and typed in a few more things, getting the camera feed on your screens as well. "Nat is doing the best."

"I knew I liked this kid," Natasha smirked, pointing at one of the cameras before kicking someone across the room.

You paused for a second, and although they couldn't see you, you cocked your head. "You almost killed me."

"The past is the past!" She shouted and kicked another guy across the room into the first guy.

You shrugged and chuckled a bit. "Clint is my favorite. He's relatable. We may not be powerful like Thor or Tony, but we are the most important to the team. We keep you guys together," You added.

Everyone went silent, but you knew they heard you as you were still watching them move. "Hey, where is Barton?" Tony asked.

"Someone called?" Clint's voice came from behind you, a milkshake in hand, and a look of fear came over his face. "I should probably get to the fight."

As Clint walked out, you changed your mind on the favoritism. "Tony is my favorite; he has money." And everyone laughed. Well, everyone but Clint.

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