Ham4Avenge - Peter Parker & Reader

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Words: 1843
Pairing: Peter Parker & Reader
Featuring: Tony, OBC Hamilcast: Lin, Anthony, Oak
Warnings: Swearing, fake-fighting, so many Hamilton references
Summary: After you asked Lin if you could appear at a Ham4Ham pre-show, today is the day! Get ready to preform a "duel" to get everyone ready for the lottery.
Author's Note: Purely self indulgent. I miss when Hamilton did the Ham4Ham shows and I can hear Lin clear as day saying "good luck with the lotto!" Also, Reader's age is not specified, but Peter is younger.



Typically, Tony was one to listen and sing to rock bands, like AC/DC, but for the past month, it has been a particular Broadway musical.

Hamilton has all that has been playing throughout the facility for the past four weeks, ever since the team saw the show.

Today was the day you were waiting for; you got to be the guest on Ham4Ham. Originally, you were going to go a few weeks ago when they didn't have anything planned, but something came up with the Avengers.

And today was finally your shot to be on Ham4Ham. And it was going to go perfectly; you were going to see the cast again, and you were excited about what you got to do.

You were snapped out of your daydream by Tony calling you. "Hey, I need a favor." Tony was speaking. He went out on a last-minute mission, so why the hell was he calling you?

"Yeah?" You responded.

"Spiderling is supposed to be there soon. I won't be back until tonight. Entertain for me?" Tony asked. "Shit!" He probably got shot.

"But, I have Ham4Ham tod-"

"Take him with you!" Tony replied, "I'll see you tonight!" And he hung up. You sighed; you were not going to miss out on this Ham4Ham again. This could be your last chance!

You decided to text Lin; maybe he would be okay with this.

(Y/N): Hey, I know it's last minute. I'm being forced to watch Peter today...is it okay if he comes too? I can have him dress up, and we can do the show together...?

LMM: Peter...?

(Y/N): Uh, I mean Spider-Man. Is that okay?

LMM: Of course!! The more, the merrier!

(Y/N): Thank you!!

You smiled at your phone. You were just excited that Lin was okay with this. Well, that and you were excited to do the show today.

Peter soon arrived at the facility, and you met him in the common room. "We have somewhere to be in an hour, and if you don't want your identity to be known, get suited up."

"Wait, what?" Peter asked.

"I'm going to the Hamilton pre-show as a guest. And since I'm forced to be with you, you're coming too. I'll tell you what our show will be on the way there." You picked up the bag with your suit in it and went to the garage to get ready to drive there.

"Why are we leaving now?" Peter seemed confused as you two drove.

"I don't want to be late." You shrugged, "This is really important to me."

Peter shrugged and let you be happy about this. Of course, he had heard of the show! He had actually listened to the album a few times but wasn't a die-hard fan.

You soon arrived at the Richard Rogers Theatre and were greeted outside by Lin and Anthony. Peter felt that he was comfortable with being in his regular clothes for now since not many people were actually at the theater yet.

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