My Goddess- Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1147
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark
Warnings: alcohol
Requested by anon
Summary: Based on Shiksa Goddess from The Last Five Years, Natasha and Clint can't stand how annoyingly sweet you and Pietro are.
Author's Note: This is based on the song "Shiksa Goddess" from The Last Five Years, but I did change the title to "my goddess." The term is never used in this imagine, but that is the song it is based on.



"Hey, how's your leg rash doing?" Natasha asked Clint as they walked around the base.

"Much better. It's really annoying, though," He groaned.

Natasha shook her head with a laugh. "If you were more careful and didn't think you could slide on the grass and not get hurt, then you wouldn't have gotten the rash."

"Where's the fun in that?" Clint shook his head. 

Tony almost ran into the pair when he sped around the corner. After nearly dropping his coffee all over the place, Natasha noticed how his eyes were bugging out. "Be warned. Do not eat food in the kitchen right now; you will only throw it up if you stay in there. Good luck," Tony told them, and ran out of the way.

Clint and Natasha gave each other confused looks, unsure of what Tony meant. They figured he could be overreacting, as he usually does, and continued on their way.

It was later at night, so there was no surprise that there had been some drinking by many in the base. Clint and Natasha walked into the kitchen connected to the common room and found you sitting on the couch next to Pietro. It was obvious that you both had a bit to drink, as there were bottles on the table in front of you. 

Natasha was surprised, to say the least, as you had told her multiple times that Pietro was one of those guys you would never date. Clint's jaw dropped when he heard what the conversation was. 

"You know, if you had a tattoo, that wouldn't matter," Pietro started, holding your hand with a small smile on his face, "If you had a shaved head- that'd be cool!" He laughed after saying the second part. "I'm completely serious."

"I know, you're sweet, Pietro-"

"Hell, if you came from Spain or Japan or the back of a van-" You shook your head at what he was saying. Even though you had told Natasha multiple times that you would never go out with Pietro, little did she know about all of the secret dating. It was basically normal by now for him to try to "charm" you with random sayings, but this one was completely new. "JUST as long as you aren't a Stark," He put his arm around you and pulled you close.

You furrowed your eyebrows, a bit confused by his strange words. "Uh, why not?"

"He doesn't like me," Pietro pouted, "But I really like you," He got closer, trying to kiss you. You held him back, not sure if you were ready for everyone to know you were together. It was originally your idea to stay hidden, as it was easier to deal with given your job (no one could use the other as leverage), and you didn't have to deal with the team's nagging. 

But alas, it seemed secrecy was down the drain.

"That's my boy!" Clint cheered as he clapped his hands together, walking to the other side of the couch. "You two? How long has this been going on?"

Natasha gave you a slight glare, and you were aware why. You told her repeatedly that you had no interest in anyone, especially the Maximoff boy. And now for her to find out that you are dating him really upset her. "It's been a few months, actually. I didn't think anyone was here besides Tony. Sorry, guys-"

"Wait," Natasha stopped you, "Tony knew before me? I'm your best friend, and you didn't tell me?" She yelled.

You put your hands up in surrender. "Sorry! You just always play matchmaker, and if I told you about Pietro, I was worried you would give me all the reasons why we aren't right for one another. And, yes, I know you would because Steve told me you would."

Clint stifled out a laugh. "They have a point."


You were on a mission with Pietro, Clint, and Natasha. The goal was to check out a HYDRA base, and it turned out they were far more advanced than anyone had thought, meaning there was a fight you were not prepared for.

Pietro ran up to you. He wasn't showing it, but he was scared. "Hey, sorry about the other night. I did not mean to make Natasha mad at you with what I was saying. I totally revealed our secret!" He swore under his breath after he apologized to you and continued to fight the enemies coming toward him.

"It's okay; they were going to find out eventually," You shrugged and took out a few more people.

Pietro smiled. "Good, then I guess I should admit something," He started. "From the minute I first met you, I could barely catch my breath," Pietro told you, making your cheeks turn pink. "I knew from the first second we met that we would be great together, and I truly do love you. I stood for days with the phone in my hand, trying to get myself to call you. I was an idiot, scared to death, and didn't know how to act with someone so amazing. Thank you, draga, for being there for me."

You kicked someone away from you and snuck a kiss on Pietro's cheek. "I love you, too, you big oaf. Is this really the time for this, though?"

"Yeah! What if something happens to us? I needed to say it before I take any chances. "My people have suffered for thousands of years, and I don't give a shit."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Everyone has had a hard time from where I come from, but with you in my life, everything is so much better than it would have been," Pietro told you.

You heard a groan over the comms. "God, I'm going to barf. Pietro, you are so sweet to them. (Y/N), you give in to his sweetness too easily. You're going to give me a cavity," Natasha complained, and you could hear her eye roll as Clint laughed at her in the background.

You turned to Pietro and smirked, sure you had a way to make everything better. "Piet, you know, if you drove an RV, that wouldn't matter," It was your turn to deliver the cute, and you just heard Natasha start to yell about how annoying you are, "If you like to drink blood - I think it's cute."

"Awe, sadly, I don't drink blood, but that was a nice detail. If you've got a powerful connection to your firearm collection, I say, "Draw a bead and shoot." And I know you have a powerful connection to it because I look at your weapons all the time; it's impressive and adorable," Pietro commented to you.

Clint was laughing harder than you had ever heard him laugh. "Natasha just told one of the HYDRA agents to kill her. You guys broke her."

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