The Big Day - Thor Odinson x Reader

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Words: 1696
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Featuring: Loki
Warnings: crying, stress
Summary: You and Thor have been betrothed since you were children, but now the big day is coming a lot sooner than you imagined.
Author's Note: This is an arranged marriage AU set before Thor 1! You are royalty from Alfheim, which is home of the Light Elves. This does talk about weddings and walking down the aisle, but it is still gender-neutral and does not reference outfits or anything of the sort :) I got the prompt I used from @sidestuiff

Almost done with girl-next-door-writes's bingo challenge! This one is for the arranged marriage prompt!



Alfheim has been under Asgard's rule for as long as anyone can remember. It's no secret that the Light Elves are peaceful yet powerful, and they thrive living their own life under Asgard and not in the crossfire. Thanks to the Nine Realms working (mostly) together, this meant it was safe for Light Elves to come to Asgard if they needed anything they couldn't get in Alfheim, and Asgardians could ask them for help if needed.

As royalty in Alfheim, you love to visit Asgard to meet with your curious friends. You grew up with Thor and Loki, all visiting each other's realms when there was free time. You loved going to Asgard and playing hide-and-seek in the castle as a child, as well as getting to walk around the large city outside of the palace. Thor and Loki also loved going to Alfheim when they could and getting to see what everyone in your palace could do since there are so many different types of Light Elves.

It did help that since you were children, you and Thor have been in an arrangement to get married later in life when both sides deemed it was time. Odin planned on it being fairly close to Thor's coronation; that way, when he stepped into his role, he would have someone working by his side.

Though, as Thor got older, he got more reckless. And it scared the heck out of you. He took Loki and The Warriors Three on random "missions," which you believed were just to cure Thor's boredom and need for attention. But you love him all the same.

Sure, when you two would see each other, and he told you of his adventures, you would scold him and Loki, but you couldn't stay mad at them. Thor was always so excited to tell you about everything that happened, and Loki usually tagged along, and you loved seeing how he got. Though sometimes they were a bit overboard, he was excited. And it excited you to see them this way.

As you sat in the library of the palace reading, you nearly jumped when the door slammed open. Your headshot up, and you saw Loki entering, his face full of worry. "Ah, there you are! I have some news," He said and rushed over to you. You tried to recall in your mind if you were missing any plans, which you weren't.

"Is everything alright, Loki?" You set your book on the nearby table as Loki sat across you.

"Yes. Well, maybe," He blurted out. "I have come to warn you that the wedding is happening sooner than we imagined," He said.

You stared at him, a little confused. When he didn't elaborate, you furthered the conversation. "What do you mean? I thought the wedding was not going to be for at least another year."

"Odin told Thor and me that he thinks it should happen this month. To give both of you time to adjust before his coronation," Loki explained.

Taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down, you hoped there was more to this story. "What did Thor say?"

"He was shocked as well," Loki continued. "He was also not expecting it for a while, but he is ready to wed you whenever Odin speaks with your parents. He asked me to come see you while he discussed it with Odin and Mother."

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