Four Times You Were Forced On a Date, And One Time You Weren't (5/5)

465 14 4

Words: 2530
Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Stark!Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff
Chapter Summary: After you finally accepted your feelings for Dick, it's time to forget the ruse and have a real date together. You two are just as nervous as you were for the first fake date, but for different reasons.
Warnings: Swearing
Author's Note: The final part! I loved writing this mini-series so much. I also gotta thank Cali, I-am-not-the-real-alice, for listening to me non stop talk about writing this fic and helping me get some ideas out!



This was different. You were nervous, but not like you had been for the first fake date. You also weren't nervous about it going wrong, just that it was, well, a different situation.

The correct word is excited, but you couldn't let those butterflies get past you.

"I really don't get it," Natasha said as she sat on the chair in your room. "You guys have been on four dates already; why stress now?"

You groaned loudly as you paced around your room, worried you weren't wearing the right thing or you would embarrass yourself. "This is different, Nat," You told her. "Those were fake. We were pretending. This one is real."

Natasha laughed as she took a drink out of her mug. "I don't know how much pretending you two were doing. So good at pretending, you tricked yourselves."

"You're the worst," You covered your eyes as you stopped pacing. Finally, you took a deep breath and reminded yourself that everything was going to be okay and you had nothing to worry about. Though you didn't entirely believe those statements, you had to push through. You still had a few hours before you were meeting Dick at the park, but you couldn't get this non-ruse date off your mind.

Before you could fully start freaking out, there was a knock at your bedroom door. "Come in," You called, and your dad's face peaked in.

"Everything going alright in here?" He asked.

"So far, so good," You told him, and Natasha shook her head to answer him, too.

"She's freaking out, but we're working on it."

Tony looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, waiting to see if you would say anything more. When you didn't, he gave one nod and spoke again. "Well, I'm heading to Gotham not too long after you leave to meet with Bruce, since this business deal has ended differently," He said. "Nothing too big, just to chat. Plus, we have a few other things to talk about."

"Have fun," You told him.

"Oh, I'll sure try," He laughed. "I'll see you guys later. Have a good time today, kiddo," He said. He was genuine, too, like he was really happy for you about turning these fake dates into something real. Or maybe he was just happy he wouldn't have to deal with you and Dick arguing at every party and press event you go to.

To be honest, you were happy about that part, too. You knew, before long, he'd go back to wishing it was arguing instead of kissing. So you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.


Dick was shaking the entire drive to the park. You both agreed on a park near the Avengers Compound, so it was a little out of the way, but not entirely hidden. He left a half-hour earlier than he needed to because he was so nervous, but he wasn't sure why. You guys had been hanging out for weeks at this point; he has no reason to be worried. But he couldn't seem to calm himself down as he thought about how excited he was for this real date with you. He took many deep breaths and reminded himself that it's okay to be nervous; it shows you care.

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