Alone Together - Loki x Reader

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Words: 1331
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Mentions death (not graphic), mutual pining but they don't know it
Summary: Slightly based on Alone Together from The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical, you are attending a charity event for New Asgard following the Blip. You try your hardest not to see Loki, but things don't work out that way.
Author's Note: I say slightly based on because it's mainly the location being a museam and one line from the song at the end of the fic. Also, this takes place just a few months Post-Endgame, but Loki did not die to Thanos and was not Blipped. And Thor didn't go with the Guardians. You also have the power of teleportation.



You were used to parties. Having been friends with Tony for a long time before the Avengers even formed, you've seen all types of parties he would throw. But now, after Thanos was defeated, the parties definitely lessened.

The invitation came only a few weeks ago from New Asgard: they were hosting a charity event to finish renovations to the school that ended up being more costly than they expected. Thor and Valkyrie invited many Avengers, and while some of your friends were going, you still hadn't decided.

And you needed to decide quickly because if you were going to go, you needed to be there soon. Thank god you can teleport, because if you couldn't, then you would have had to decide hours ago. The event starts in thirty minutes.

Finally, you huffed at yourself and got over it: you were going. Quickly changing into something more suitable for a high-society charity event at a museum in Norway, you wondered how you even classified as high-society. Was it just because you're the Avenger watching over the Avengers Compound and can donate some Avengers money? Or was it because you attended so many Tony Stark events? Or just the fact that you're good friends with Thor and nearly had a fling with Loki?

Whatever it was, you were running out of time and needed to stop overthinking everything. In the end, it didn't matter why you were invited, just that you were and that you needed to get there soon. So once you finished getting ready, you got into the right state of mind and prepared yourself to teleport across the world.

It was always risky traveling that far, and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw the museum in front of you. When you collected yourself, you noticed there was quite a large crowd entering the museum, and you followed. You thought you'd be able to see Thor and Valkyrie, make a quick pledge on behalf of the Avengers, and leave before even running into Loki. It would be easiest and less painful that way.

But it didn't work out for you like that. You greeted Thor and had trouble finding Valkyrie, and as you kept going from room to room to find her, you found a room you were sure was supposed to be blocked off.

It was empty and dimly lit, but you were a bit relieved that you found this spot. The crowd had been overwhelming, and it would be nice to have a minute to breathe before heading back out to find Valkyrie and make your pledge.

As you breathed slowly with your back against the door and your eyes shut, a voice distracted you. "I don't think we're meant to be in here," You heard and sucked in a breath when you realized whose voice it was. "The house lights are not on, and it's empty; well, save for us," He continued. "But the door was unlocked, so can they really fault us?"

You took one more deep breath before opening your eyes. You saw him standing in the middle of the room admiring the large painting. He wasn't looking at you, just talking. Clearly, it was directed toward you because you are the only one here. "I don't think they can," You said, trying to answer his question.

Now, he turned his head to you, and there was a small smile on his face. "It's been a while," He said.

"Good to see you, Loki," You nodded and stepped away from the door. You weren't near him at all, but you weren't pressed up against the door gasping for air anymore. "Shouldn't you be out mingling to get donations?"

"I have been," He said, turning his head to look back at the painting. "I thought I deserved a break from begging and found this room. Come look at this painting."

Slowly, you walked to the center of the room and stood next to Loki, only eyeing him for a moment. "I can't seem to make much sense of it, can you?" He asked.

You stared at the large painting, too, cocking your head ever-so-slightly. It was some kind of abstract painting with dull colors, and it really didn't make much sense to you, either. "No, but I think that may be the point," You said. "I'm sorry I haven't come to visit after the Blip, I-"

"I know. You've been busy, leading the Avengers and all," He said. You two had yet to make eye contact, and you still weren't looking at each other. "How is that going?"

You shook your head slightly. "How's what going? The fact that after the fight with Thanos, we lost so many of the big players, and now there's barely any team at all? Or the fact that I sit around an empty base all day making calls with a raccoon?"

"I do wish I could visit more, but we," He stopped, not wanting to make an excuse.

"I know. You've been busy, building New Asgard and all," You finished, matching his tone from only a minute before. "I've missed you, though."

The five years between the fights with Thanos was certainly an interesting time. And while you wished you didn't lose half of your friends to the Blip, you do value the relationships that were made stronger then, especially with Loki. He visited the Avengers Compound often and helped you with whatever you needed, even if it was just a shoulder to cry on. And if the Blip lasted any longer, you were sure you two would have gotten together.

But then the team brought everyone back and defeated Thanos. You lost some of your closest friends and were now the highest rank in what was left of the Avengers. Loki returned to New Asgard, and you haven't seen each other in months.

Standing next to you, Loki was thinking about all the things he could have done — what he should have done. He knew now he should be in the main room conversing with as many people as possible to raise the money that New Asgard needs, but he didn't want to leave. You were here, something that he's been wishing for since the Blip ended. He didn't want to lose this moment with you; he just wanted to stay here forever.

"I've missed you, too," Loki said. Though it felt like hours passed between your statements, it was only a few seconds. For the first time that night, he said your name, and your head darted to look at him, only to realize he was already looking at you. You stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before he spoke again. "I was thinking-"

His thought was interrupted by the door creaking open loudly, making both of you direct your attention to it. "There you are, brother! I have someone looking to speak with you," Thor smiled.

"I will be out in a moment," Loki said. Thor nodded and shut the door.

Loki dared to try again. "I-"

"We should go," You cut him off and started to walk to the door.

"Right," He agreed and followed, cursing in his mind that he would never have the chance to ask you his question again.

Maybe he should just man up and visit the Avengers Compound and ask you out on a real date the following day. But he didn't know if he had the confidence to do it, especially after all the time has passed and so many things had changed.

Loki didn't know how much you wished he would do exactly that. That night after the charity event, he sat at his desk surrounded by hundreds of crumpled, half-written letters to you. He looked down at the sheet in front of him and muttered what he had written.

I wish you were mine.

But he crumpled up that letter, too, threw it in the bin, and went to bed.

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