Burn For You - Loki x Reader

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Words: 5285
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Featuring: Thor, Steve, Natasha, Tony, Other Avengers
Warnings: Arguing, yelling
Summary: Based on Burn For You by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear and Bridgerton as a whole, you and Loki agree to create a fake relationship to help both of you get what you want in life. A surprising turn of events causes chaos for the pair.
Author's Note: I am obsessed with Bridgerton. This is mostly based of Daphne and Simon's story from the show (and the song from the unofficial album) and I love it so much. The song is featured at the end of the fic in italics but the rest of the fic is also Bridgerton based. Takes place after Ragnarok, but no Thanos/Infinity War/Endgame. This fic includes fake dating, mutual pining, somewhat arranged/convenient marriage.

This is also a fic for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo challenge! This is for the mutual pining square.



You sat at a table across from Loki, thinking about his proposition. Would this really be a good idea? You and Loki...pretend to be together? You help him gain more trust from the world; he helps you get noticed by the man you're crushing on.

You set your hands out on the table and looked around the party, making sure no one could hear your conversation. Quickly, you looked back at Loki, surveying his body language. He was serious; he wants to regain the trust he lost all those years ago and live peacefully in New Asgard with Thor and the other Asgardians. Though it has been a few years now, he was still in the same place of citizens, Asgardian and Midgardian alike, not trusting him and afraid of looking at him ever-so strangely.

"It is an absurd plan," You declared.

He thought this plan was foolproof. News outlets everywhere would deem both of you exactly what you want: Loki, trustworthy; you, desirable. "Whatever should you have to lose?" He egged on.

With a few more moments of silence, you smirked at him. "Okay," You said.

A smile grew on Loki's face as well. He reached out and grabbed your hands, leading you away from the table and into the middle of the crowd gathering around the dance floor. "If this is to work," Loki leaned in to whisper into your ear as all eyes were on the two of you. "We must appear madly in love."

You tried not to pay attention to the people watching the two of you, but it was difficult. Avengers and random patrons both were confused; no one was aware that you two had any interest in each other at all. You danced with Loki to the song playing as other couples around did the same, and you guys just stared at each other as you danced. You knew there would be some stressful conversations come morning, but you couldn't think about that right now. You had to keep your focus on this ruse for the night.


You sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen in the Compound the next morning, a bit concerned that no one had come to ask you about this new relationship. You were reading the headlines on Twitter, seeing that the plan was working so far. People wanted to know more about this relationship; how it came to be, why you are together, when it happened; they wanted more. But you needed to talk with Loki again before either of you spoke to any press.

"So, Loki, huh?" Steve asked as he opened the fridge from across you. "When did that happen?"

"It's...new," You said carefully. "We decided last night to go public. It was about time," You told him.

Steve chuckled as he turned around with some fruit in his hand. "It was definitely a surprise to all of us. How's it going with him?" He asked. He didn't want to seem pushy, but Steve was curious. And, of course, he would report back to the other Avengers once he got the answers.

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