Marvelmas (12/13) - December 24 - Tony Stark & Reader

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Words: 1187
Pairing: Tony Stark & Reader
Warnings: alcohol mentioned
Summary: Prepare with Tony for the big day.
Author's Note: the one you've all been waiting for...TONY STARRRRK! i love tony so much abidbsake



"It's nice. I'm honestly surprised you pulled this off, Stark," You nodded as you looked around the venue Tony managed to get. Usually, Tony would hold the party at something he owned. However, with Stark tower still under construction and the Avengers Facility being classified, he had to find somewhere else to host it.

"Surprised? I'm a god when it comes to parties," Tony shook his head at you as he carried boxes in. You and Tony brought over some extra decorations to ensure this place was decked out to your standards.

"Great, a bar!" Tony smiled when he realized that there would be alcohol at the party, "That's the best part."

"Before you go drinking on me, we need to make sure this place is ready, all right?" You cocked your eyebrow at him.

"All right," He groaned and walked over to you and started to sift through the boxes, "I just picked up a bunch of stuff from my mailbox, so there might be some-"

"Are these all unopened holiday cards?" You cut him off when you held up the stack of cards addressed to Tony.

"What can I say? I'm popular."


Tony allowed you to open the cards to see what they all said, so if anyone asked if he opened them, he could say yes. It was cheating, but honestly, who would know? You knew that Tony was popular, but seeing this many cards was insane.

You sent Tony to buy tinsel, as you felt it would help compliment the room. He was also in charge of making sure the catering would still be at the party, and he found out it was.

"I got it!" Tony ran in with the bags in his hand.

"Tony, did you invite all of these people?" You held up the cards.

He shrugged, "Probably."

Groaning, you fell back on the hard floor. Not enough it would hurt you, but enough to show that this would drain all the energy you had. "Want me to recycle the cards?" Tony offered, walking closer to you.

You shook your head. "No, I've got an idea; hand me some tape." Once instructed, Tony grabbed the tap and did give it to you as asked. You walked over to a plain and boring wall and opened up the cards, applied tape to them, and stuck them against the wall. It was like a gallery wall, but with holiday cards.

It actually turned out really cool, with a bunch of holiday cards from all the important people Tony associates with. It also showed people that, yes, Tony does acknowledge them, even if it was you who put up the wall.

While setting up the card gallery wall, you sent Tony on a mission to get all the presents the team bought and bring them to the venue for decoration. Of course, after the big party ends, there is an "Avengers only after-party" to celebrate like a family with the team, where everyone would exchange their gifts.

As soon as Tony got back to the venue, you walked out the back door for some fresh air. It was getting hot inside, as the heat was on very high, and with all the moving around you're doing, the cold air would help. Tony walked inside with the pile of presents in his arms, admiring the one from you with his name right on top.

Since there was no sight of you, he was sure he could peak a little to see what you got him. It was eating him alive inside, and he just wanted to know before it was time to open them.

Carefully, Tony started to rip off the tape from the side, hoping that nothing would tear. Just one little look at the side of the gift would tell him what it was. If he was able to see-

"Anthony Edward Stark!" You shouted when you walked back inside to see Tony messing with your box.

Tony jumped up and dropped the gift at the sound of your yelling. "What!"

"Do not snoop! That's for tomorrow!" You crossed your arms and walked over to where Tony was, snatched the gift off the floor, and put it in the corner with the rest of the presents. It made for a great decoration and would be fun to dig into tomorrow after the party.

"I just had a massive flashback to when I was like, seven," Tony sighed with his hand over his heart, breathing heavily.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I got really anxious for Christmas when I was a kid, and my mom put a bunch of presents under the tree before Christmas, so I tried to peek at what I got. I was caught, and I swear, you sounded just like her with that tone," Tony explained.

"That is amazing," You laughed and turned to continue getting things ready. Most things were done, and there were still many hours left in the day. In the car, you had an idea on how to finish off Tony's list day.

"I thought I got out of that!" He rolled his eyes.

"No, but trust me, this will be fun," You promised him as you pulled into the Target parking lot. "We each get five dollars, and fifteen minutes, trying to find the best present for each other. Do not go over five dollars, Tony; I'm serious," You pointed at him.

Tony sighed loudly in annoyance, but nodded his head. "I get it. Play by the rules," He told you and got out of the car, racing you to the front of the store.

You did something like this with Natasha a few days ago, but it was also very different. With Natasha, you bought for the whole team and could spend whatever you wanted. You ran back to the music. For the holidays, most of the music was on a major sale; it was just a matter of choosing which album to get him. You were sure he had most of the rock albums, so that left you with a smaller selection.

After a few minutes of sifting through the CDs, you picked one you felt fit Tony's personality, and went back up to pay for it.

As if it were planned, you and Tony walked out of the store at the same time, laughing as it was such perfect timing. Quickly, you switched bags, and after a count of three, you looked inside what was given to you.

You laughed when you saw your present. "A Hulk figure? It's like, two inches tall!" You pulled out the package.

"Yeah, I was going to get you one of me, but I was ten dollars. He was only four-ninety-nine," Tony pointed to the price tag with a proud look on his face for following the rules.

He looked at the bag you handed him, lighting up when he saw a CD case. He pulled it out, very excited about what it could be, but the smile turned into a laugh when he saw it. "Kidz Bop, what I've always wanted."

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