Marvelmas (6/13) - December 18 - Sam Wilson & Reader

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Words: 1345
Pairing: Sam Wilson & Reader
Featuring: Tony
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Check out some ugly Christmas sweaters and go to a small party with Sam!
Author's Note: This was a fun one. grumpy Sam. Also, is that plot I smell?



You rummaged through every bucket and drawer of clothes you had to find the ugly Christmas sweaters you had reserved for this special time of year. You needed them for this very important day for your very special victim, Sam Wilson.

Once you heard his sarcasm about Christmas from the day you and Steve decorated, you knew exactly how to spend his festive fun day—crashing a party.

It wasn't totally crashing, though. But Sam didn't have to know that. Yesterday, after the live show, you got on Twitter and asked if anyone was having an ugly sweater party in New York and would be willing to let two strangers join them. You got a few direct messages answering you about the party, but only three actually managed to be true. You checked their backgrounds to make sure they wouldn't kill you and chose randomly which one you would attend.

Sam, however, had no idea what your plan was for him. He knew he was next on the list, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what way you two would be celebrating. You ran into his room at ten o'clock (in the morning) on the dot with two sweaters in your hands. "Sam Sam Sam!" You yelled as loud as possible, making him jump and fall out of bed.

"What the hell?" He groaned and fell back on the floor when he realized why you were in his room. "No, leave me alone."

"You can't say no to the list!" You jumped up and down, throwing the sweaters around. "Come on; we have so much to do!"

"Like what?" Sam complained as he stood up, sitting at the end of his bed.

"Well, the first thing we need to do is get rid of that shitty attitude," You started, "And then we have to go shopping for food necessities. Tony requested it for the party, and since our activity isn't until later, I told him we would take care of it."

Sam looked at the sweaters you were holding up and down. "No way in hell am I wearing that to the store," He started to walk out of the room.

"Oh yes, you are!"


You walked down the aisle wearing the sweater you picked out. Normally, this would not be something you would do. But since you had Sam with you, pouting nonetheless, it was hilarious. And you loved it.

"Alright, Sam, go to the bakery section and grab some of the cookies with red and green frosting. My request," You pointed to where he needed to go. His eyes followed your extended arm to see where you were sending him.


"Sam, please!" You begged.

"There is a group of girls over there; they'll laugh at how ridiculous I look!" He whisper-yelled at you, still refusing.

"You're adorable; shut up. Just go do it, or I'm going to get their attention," You threatened, and Sam crossed his arms, covering as much as the sweater as he could, which was barely anything. You tried to hold in your laughter as he ran over to the cookies, picked up the package you asked for, and ran back. "Thanks!" You yelled, making a girl or two look over at Sam.

You grabbed the chips, dip, and miscellaneous food Tony asked for for the party. Sam was just ready to get out of there; he had no want to be outside in the "stupid-ass sweater." Little did he know, he would go to a party where every person there would be wearing one.

Sam offered to drive back to the facility, as he didn't want to have any unplanned stops, but you didn't let him. "Don't worry, I called Pietro, and he should be here to pick up the groceries-" A gust of wind went by, and the bags were gone, "Three seconds ago."

Sam sighed, "What did you do?"

"We have some time to kill; how's lunch sound? Then, I have the best thing that we're doing in a few hours. Trust me; you'll love it," You got into the car, a huge smile plastered on your face.


Sam timidly got out of the car and looked around with an apprehensive look, not sure what to think of the random place you took him. "What the hell are we doing in a casual neighborhood so far out of the city?"

"Don't worry; we won't die," You comforted, locking the car and walking up to the door. Sam followed sluggishly behind you, scared for what was to come.

You knocked on the door. "That must be our special guest!" You heard a woman yell, probably the one you talked to over Twitter. From what you saw, she was about the same age as you and Sam, so at least you wouldn't be too out of place. 

The door opened to reveal the girl from Twitter, a big smile on her face. "Hi!" She called out, probably still freaking out that this was happening. 

"I want to thank you so much for letting us crash your party!" You replied, the same tone as she was in. When you looked at her and the people standing behind her, you noticed everyone had on ugly sweaters. "I'm trying to get Sam into the spirit, and that was with ugly Christmas sweaters, so thank you so much!" You turned your head back, "Hurry your ass up, princess."

Sam looked up at the open door, now aware of what was happening. "No, you didn't," He whispered.

"Oh, I did. Check my Twitter," You grinned widely as the woman let you in. You remembered her name was Annie, and you thanked her many times for letting you do this. 

You also heard a few people whisper around. "How does she know them?" "Aren't they Avengers?" "Why the hell are they here? We aren't that cool!" But you let all the questions go unanswered.

All the people at Annie's party were her friends, and you tried to make acquaintances with a few people walking around. You listened to them tell stories about how they celebrated and how going home for the holidays would be hard; it was all so expensive!

"Where did you get your sweater? I love it!" A girl asked Sam. He unfolded his arms to reveal his shirt, a small smile making itself present on his face.

"Oh, just a small little store. I've had it for a while, but no reason to wear it," Sam lied.

"It's adorable! You're rocking it," She told Sam. You caught his eye and made your eyebrows dance at him. Basically telling him, "I told you so."

The party continued as you got involved in a few conversations and a game of truth or dare. Of course, when you choose truth, you were asked about the Avengers, but not much about your job was really talked about. You were being treated like a normal adult, which was a nice way to escape the crazy life that is a superhero.

"Hey, uh, (Y/N)," A man called out, "Your phone is ringing, says it's Asshole," He said.

You stood up with a laugh. "Yeah, that's Tony. Thanks," You told the man when he handed you your phone. "What do you want?"

"Where are you?" Tony yelled.

"I'm at a party with Sam. You know, the list!" You told him like it was obvious.

"You need to get back here right now," Tony shouted over loud noises, and he started to speak again, but he was breaking up.

"I'll be right there!" You cried, hanging up. "Sorry guys, we have to go, something bad is going on at our base, and we need to get there. Come on, Sam!" Sam ran over to you, and the both of you ran to the door. "Thank you all again; I hope you have happy holidays!" And the door slammed as Sam was already in the driver's seat, ready to speed back across New York to get to the base as quickly as possible.

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