What Do I Need With Love - Bruce Wayne x (f)Reader

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Words: 4088
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x (f)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, implied/almost SA (NOT from Bruce!)
Summary: Based on What Do I Need With Love from Thoroughly Modern Millie, Bruce and you have an interesting relationship. Are you friends? Enemies? Strictly co-workers? Bruce doesn't even know the answer to that.
Author's Note: Pre!Robins, Bruce is like 23 (bc I love young Bruce who adopts a child only like 15 years younger than him). Also, y/n is Bruce's secretary but also like a personal assistant and also 21. There is implied SA, but nothing explicit at all, I added the warning just in case! A lot of this is "from" Bruce's POV because I wanted to show his breakdown about love.



"Master Bruce, please close your mouth. You'll catch flies," Alfred reminded Bruce as he picked up the empty glass off the table next to him, trying to hold back his smirk.

Bruce listened, closing his mouth slightly, still staring as you made your way out of Wayne Manor after telling him to have a good night. You just told Bruce every aspect of his secret life, after piecing things together for months, waiting for him to tell you. You weren't friends, you weren't enemies, but you were trusted acquaintances. But clearly, he didn't trust you with this big secret, so you made him trust you, and now Bruce's heart was beating faster than it ever had. Even in tough fights, his heart doesn't ever beat this fast, and he never gets butterflies, but right now, he did.

What is this?

Bruce heard Alfred speak again, but he didn't know what was said. However, he pretended he did and followed him to the Batcave to get some work done. Alfred helped get him situated at the bat computer and left once again to gather some other things. As Bruce typed meaningless things, not really sure what he was typing about, he realized his thoughts turned to you.

He jumped when he got a message from you.

You: Don't forget, you have a meeting at 9 tomorrow morning. Don't stay out all night, and please look rested.

Bruce sighed. Now that you confirmed your suspicions and he couldn't tell you no, he knew you wouldn't let it go easily. You've only worked for him for six months; how did you figure it out so quickly? Well, maybe the fact that you run most of his schedule helped with that, but he's giving you credit where credit is due. You're much more observant than some of the other secretaries he's had.

He tried to force himself to work again, but he couldn't stay focused. Being alone in the Batcave, he tuned out to the silence and got stuck in his thoughts again. Now that you knew, it made the relationship between you two stronger, though he wasn't sure if that was something he wanted. He thought about the outcomes this could have, most of them good and only a few involving you retaliating and spilling his secret.

Oh, the places I'd like to show you...

Bruce thought about showing you all the places outside of Gotham. He hadn't been traveling much due to his night duty, but he was looking forward to getting out there once he had some off time from fighting crime, if that ever came. Of course, his secretary would accompany him; someone needs to keep his itinerary intact. And Alfred could do it, but...

Bruce shook his head. He hardly knows you! It's only been six months, and yet-

And yet you've spent more time around him than any other person has recently. No wonder you figured out that he's the Batman protecting Gotham.

Bruce didn't realize when Alfred walked behind him. He had subconsciously pulled up your file from work so he could read it again, but he was zoned out. "I've a funny feeling you'd make a perfect pair," Alfred commented as he watched Bruce stare at your profile.

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